30. Dad?

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Tyler opened the door to the guest cottage and stood there motionless, his gaze falling on Chase, who was lying on his bed and flipping through a graphic novel.

"My dad cheated on my mom. I can't believe it. What a fucking asshole," Tyler spewed, still staring at the bed and only half taking into account that Chase was there. He was processing the information as it fell from his lips. "I thought their life was so perfect, you know? I had no idea. I mean, what's he thinking, right? My mom's great. Why would he do something like that?"

Chase set the novel down and sat up on the bed. "Does she uh... does she know who he was with?"

"No." Tyler dismissed the question. "I hate him so much right now. She should leave the jerk."

"Tyler, I'm so sorry."

"I had this idea that my family was perfect. Everybody else's was falling apart but not mine. I had the TV mom and dad. I liked it that way," he said as he sank down onto his bed.

"Maybe they'll work it out," Chase suggested.

"I don't know why. It's gotta be over. Yesterday my dad was like my superhero and today he's just... shit. You're lucky you never had a dad." Tyler looked up at his friend and immediately regretted his thoughtless remark when he registered the look on Chase's face.

"We always want what we don't have, huh?" Chase tried a smile, but it appeared forced.

"Man, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that."

"You're lucky. You have two great parents. Maybe your dad just made a mistake."

"Look Chase, I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean it. I'm glad you're here. You're my best friend, and I should start treating you like one."

Chase got to his feet and went to the window, looking out. "Thanks. I'm going to go out for a bit. I'm sure you could use some time alone."

Chase crossed the yard quickly. He did not want to be caught in Stacey's crosshairs. Even if she didn't know it was him, she was the last person he wanted to see right now. He rapidly crept around the side of the house and into the garage.

The small glass windows in the garage door let slivers of sunlight slip into the room, but it remained shadowy and dark. Chase made out a figure sitting motionless in the Porsche. "Nathan?"

Without a word, the figure opened the car door and emerged, a wilted shadow of his usually impressive six-four frame. "Hey, Chase."

"You okay?" Chase asked and barely registered a nod of the man's head. "I've been thinking—"

"Chase, Stacey knows," Nathan said and walked into a sliver of sunlight.

"Oh God," Chase gasped, wanting to run.

"She saw us this afternoon on the golf course," Nathan recounted calmly, as if mentioning a slight change in the weather.

"Oh my God," Chase repeated, shaking his head. "I'm so sorry."

Nathan put a hand on Chase's shoulder. "It's not your fault."

"But I never should have.... I don't know how I got so mixed up. All I wanted to do was help you."

"You did help," Nathan assured him.

"I ruined everything! I never should have come here this summer. I never should have come out. I'm so sorry." Chase brought his hands to his face, but not in time to keep the tears pressed inside.

Nathan pulled him into a hug. "Chase, this isn't your fault. If I would've had the courage to come out twenty years ago, none of this would be happening."

"But you also wouldn't have your family. They're worth so much more than this." Chase resisted the solace that Nathan's shoulder was providing for him and pushed away. "I'm leaving. If Tyler found out...."

Nathan grabbed on to his shoulders. "He won't. I'll fix this."

"I love him so much. I don't even know what I was thinking. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, Chase. It's going to be okay."

Chase looked up at him and wanted to believe, wished he could believe what Nathan was saying was true. "What about you? Are you going to be okay?"

The man just smiled softly, and his eyes smiled with him, if a little sadly. "As good as I ever was. Maybe even a little better. Thank you."

"For what?"

"For the moment. It was beautiful," Nathan said and leaned in to kiss Chase good-bye.

And it was—beautiful. Chase knew that this was it, all it ever could be or was meant to be: one last kiss of comfort, courage, and parting.

The door flew open and light spilled into the garage. Nathan and Chase pulled apart and turned to see Tyler looking confoundedly from one to the other. "Dad?"


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