Chapter 4

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I looked at the other boy and he nodded. Vampires, they aren't real. But these boys had all the characteristics of them. Dark eyes, sharp teeth, fast, strong, alert senses. Somehow deep down I believed them. Every bit of me wanted to laugh and tell them they were stupid, but deep down I knew they were Vampires.

I was frightened. I had seen all the vampire movies and none of them ended to well. There were no happy endings and someone always died. I prayed that it wouldn't be me.

'Aw, did we scare you?' asked the blonde boy

'Nnno' I stuttered

'Yes, we frightened Ella' said the brunette boy 'You look awfully pale too'

I put my hand up to my cheek and felt it. It was cold.

'I'm, I'm not scared' I said

'We told you, you can't lie. You're terrible at it' he said 'Your scared of us I can sense it'

That's when for the third time that day I saw blackness all over again.


I had fainted. Someone was pressing a wet cloth to my head trying to wake me. My eyes fluttered open and I saw it was the blonde boy compressing a wet face washer to my forehead.

'That was too much for her' said the brunette boy to the blonde haired boy

'Yeah, I agree. We should just tell her the rest later then' he said

'Hmm,' I said waking up 'the rest?' I asked whilst pushing away the cloth

'You didn't think we were just some group of total strangers kidnapping you, did you? There is more to the story you know' the brunette boy finished

'That's exactly what I thought' I said

Both the boys started laughing at me, and I turned to my side and saw the two other boys laughing sitting on the side of the plane.

'We aren't the bad guys' said the boy with the blonde coloured hair 'but don't worry we will fill you in once we are off the plane and somewhere more private'

'Well that's unfair. You kidnap me, hold me prisoner in your car, drag me into the airport against my will, knock me out several times and now I'm on a plane I really don't want to be on, and I don't even know your names!' I finished frustrated

'Gosh, you make us sound like such terrible things' said the brunette boy 'but we cannot tell you our reasons yet. Later'

'And my name is Kyle' said the boy with blonde hair 'that's Jay' he said pointing to the other boy next to me with brunette hair 'And those other two boys over there, the one with the sandy coloured hair is Bray and the other one with light brown hair is Dean' he finished

'Now you know' said Jay

'Now I know' I repeated quietly 'If you are the good guys, then why hold me under my will? And where on earth are we going?'

'Trust us, I know it feels like you can't but it's for your own good, save your questions for later. And we are on our way to America' answered Kyle

'Fine. ' I repeated. Wow America I thought. I had never been outside of my home back in Sydney and now I was on my way to America. I wondered what it would be like, or if I'd get to see much.

'America' I said 'how long until we get there?' I asked curiously

'Yep America. We will be landing in about a minute' said Jay

'What? A minute! That can't be right; the flight from Sydney to America is like 24 hours isn't it? I questioned

'Yeah, it's 24 hours. But you blacked out before we boarded and have been asleep for ages, then you fainted and went out for a long time. So basically you have been unconscious for the whole flight.' Kyle said laughing

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