☆ Chapter 5 ☆

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The pizza joint wasn't all that far from the park. Danny was quiet most of the way, only breaking the silence to say things like "Left here," and "There's a car coming." It wasn't a bad sort of silence, though. It was actually kind of soothing.

"You're gonna like Paul. I just know it." Danny said with a grin as the pizza place came into view. "He's-"

"Right behind you!" A voice chimed, slinging his arms over our shoulders. Though he's shorter than the both of us by a bit, he managed to wedge himself between us. I could tell from his arm that he had a muscular build.

"Hi, I'm Paul." He gave me a wide grin. I'm not sure if he was excited or just has a naturally loud voice, but I took a guess at the latter.

"Nice to meet you." I gave him the nicest smile I could manage, which wasn't difficult considering how giddy he was. It was like he exuded positive vibes. "I'm Cassie."

"It's nice to meet you, too, Cas-sie." He pronounced each syllable as though it was its own word. "Though I hadn't exactly expected you to come."

"I, uh, met her today." Danny spoke for the first time since Paul had appeared. Looking at him now, he seemed weary, as though he would pass out at any moment. Bags seemed to have appeared under his eyes and his feet trudged along the sidewalk.

"Long day at work, Danneh?" Paul asked before I had a chance to. It was strange, the way he pronounced Danny's name. Like it was a different word entirely.


"You want some pizza?"

Danny perked up at the mention of pizza, nodding as a smile appeared on his lips.

"Pepperoni, here I come!" Paul yelled out, causing everyone around us to stare. He greeted the strange looks they were giving him with a chuckle. I smiled, too.

I'm pretty sure I would like this guy.

☆ ☆ ☆

The three of us ended up having a competition over who could eat the most pizza the fastest. Of course, I won, beating Paul by only a slice and Danny by three. Luckily, I was allowed to eat cheese instead of pepperoni like they were. Otherwise, I would've lost by a landslide.

"That's no fair!" Paul exclaimed. "You must've cheated."

"Nope." I told him with a mischievous smile. "I'm just that good."

"Yeah, right!" Danny gave me a look. I'm glad he didn't seem as tired as before. Just seeing him get into the swing of things gave me a sort of joy. "There's no way you could beat us like that without cheating!"

"Well, I did. And you're both just going to have to deal with that."

"Fine." The boys said simultaneously, slouching back in their seats. They were sitting across from me, in an old leather booth. Now, it felt like they were both staring at me. Probably because they were.

The stares were interrupted by the sound of deep breathing coming from Danny's half of the booth. Paul and I glanced over to see our friend fast asleep where he sat.

"Guess he worked a pretty long shift today." Paul said simply before looking back over at me. "Should we sit here or try to take him home?"

"We could sit for a bit." I told him with a smile.

"Sure." He crossed his arms. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Danny?" I asked, and he nodded.

"Well, I've known him since we were little..."

☆ ☆ ☆

"And recently, we began to make YouTube videos together." Paul concluded, once again sitting back in his seat, his hands behind his head. I had just noticed how green his eyes were. "You should watch them sometime. Danny and I work really, really hard to make them."

Over the Edge ☆ Danny Edge {EP}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant