New kids

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Marionette I'm so proud of you!" Tiki said from Marionette's purse. It was morning and Marionette was on her way to school with a cheerful attitude. She wore her favourite outfit with her signature pigtails and her kwami Tiki who was red with a large black spot in the middle of her forehead and pig blue eyes was in her purse. "For saving Paris yesterday?" Marionette asked with a giggle looking down at the kwami in her purse. "No for being on time to school." Tiki said like it was obvious and Marionette chuckled. "And I have my homework done. That's a record." Marionette said and Tiki giggled. She was so caught up in talking to Tiki that she accidentally crashed into someone dropping her backpack as her homework spilled out. "Oh my god I'm so sorry I'm such a clumsy girl." Marionette apologized as she began picking up her stuff. The boy she bumped into was about her age with messy black hair, brown eyes, bushy eyebrows, blue dark navy jeans and a sleeveless black top with some writing that Marionette couldn't quite read. He bent down and helped pick up her stuff and handed it to her. "It's fine I was just trying to figure this map out." The guy said gesturing to his phone that had been logged onto a GPS. "Are you a tourist?" Marionette asked. "Sorta I'm a exchange student from outa town and I'm lost. Me and my friends were going to meet by the park but I can't find it." He said. "Oh I can help with that just go down the street then take a left turn you can't miss it." Marionette said pointing down the street. "Thanks I owe yah my names Cole by the way. What's yours?" Cole asked. "Marionette I got to go can't be late." Marionette said as she rushed past as the guy waved goodbye.

Once Marionette got to school she ran up to her friend Alya and her boyfriend Nino. Alya had tanned skin, amber eyes, glasses, a beauty mark, long hair that was lighter at the ends, and casual clothing. Nino was tanned like his girlfriend with glasses too with wrists bands, blue shirt, red cap, and blue jeans and orange sneakers. He had a laid back music type of vibe from him. "Wow we should celebrate your on time for once." Nino said with a joking smile as Marionette joined them. "I know I should throw a party." Marionette laughed. "So did you hear that we got some new students." Alya said. "Really? How do you know?" Nino asked. "My reporter's instincts. Oh and Chloe is currently talking with someone like she's their boss. Clearly she's looking for new victims to worship her." Ayla said pointing across the school yard. They all turn their heads to see Chloe wearing her designer outfit with her sunglasses talking quite matter of fact to a girl none of them had seen before.

The new girl had short black hair with pale skin and sea green blue eyes. She had a red shirt on with gold lining and blue jeans that had weave designs stitched on them. The group of friends goes in closer to help the girl out if needed.

"So you see I'm gonna ignore the fact you didn't know who I was and say it one more time." Chloe said glaring her icy blue eyes at the girl who was looking a little confused but also like she was used to this. "Stay away from him. He's mine." Chloe said with a harsh glare. "Hey Chloe did someone talk to your precious Adrian about which way to go?" Alya calls out coming over to the Chloe and the girl. "No this newbie won't stop hovering near this new boy who is so obviously going to love me within a day." Chloe said with a far away look in her eyes. "It's called being nice. And I don't need to listen to you." The girl said with a glare. "Whatever I can do whatever I want my daddy is the mayor after all." Chloe said with a smug look. "We all know your father is the mayor Chloe she can do what she wants." Marionette said with a annoyed look at Chloe. "Whatever it's not like she has a chance I bet he doesn't even know her name." Chloe said with a eye roll. "Bet he doesn't know yours." The girl shot back. "Whatever he will soon." Chloe said. "I'm leaving before I become a witness to a murder." Nino said walking away playing it smart.

"Why don't you take his advice and just leave now while you got the chance." Chloe said. "I'm not letting a spoiled brat tell me who to talk too." The girl said. "Why I never!" Chloe said and pushes Marionette and Alya out of the way and prepares to slap the poor girl who was backed into a corner. Before she can land a blow or the two girls can stop her a hand reaches out and stops her. Outraged at being touched Chloe turns her head and it immediately turns to a horrified expression. They all look at the one who had grabbed her hand and the girl had a smug look on her face. "Oh hi Kai did you find your locker okay?" Chloe asks the guy with a innocent smile. He let go of her hand and looked angery at Chloe. He seemed slightly older than Chloe with amber eyes that looked harsh but also something you wanted to keep looking at. He had spiky short dark brown hair with a scar on his left eye, he wore a red hoodie with dark blue pants, red sneaker, and a shirt that had a fire picture on it. "Yes I did thanks Chloe. What were you all chatting about?" Kai asked with fake smile. "Oh you know girl stuff." Chloe said putting a hand over the mouth of the girl before she could answer. "Really? Because it looked like you were about to hit my sister." Kai said with a harsh glare. Chloe's expression goes from suprise to horror in a matter of moments and the girl gives a smug smile. "She's your sister!?" Chloe asked suprised. "Yep so you better think wisely." Kai said. After a moment with Chloe's mouth hanging open wide she closes it and marches off to take her anger out on Sabrina.

Kai turned to Marionette and Alya with a glare and was about to say something before his sister cut him off. "They were helping me and I was doing fine on my own." She said crossing her arms. "I'm a brother it's in my DNA to protect my little sister." Kai said with a shrug and a smile. The two siblings turn to the girls who were just standing there awkwardly. "I'm Kai." He said putting his hand out to shake. "And I'm Nya." Nya said with a small wave as the girls shook Kai's hand. "I'm Marionette and this is Alya." Marionette said with a warm smile. "Nice to meet you both. Hope we see you around." Nya said. "Wait where are you from?" Alya asked with a suspicious look. "Nowhere special." Nya answers. "We better get going before the others start getting worried." Kai said gesturing for them to go. "Why would they be worried?" Marionette asks. "No reason just helps in a new place not to get lost." Nya said as she and her brother left. "They seem nice." Marionette said. Just as she said it the school bell rang and the girls hurried off to class with Ms. B.

They entered to see Adrien and Nino talking together with the rest of the class already there. They take their seats at the front of the classroom and sit down as Ms. B comes in with her red hair done up in a bun. "Hello class can you get out your homework assignments before I forget." Ms.B asks the class and they each get out their homework. Marionette is digging around in her backpack but can't find it and starts to panic as everyone else hands in theirs. "What's the excuse this time ms. Dupen chang?" Ms. B asked Marionette as the classes eyes turned to her. "I'm sorry I did it but it must've fallen out." Marionette said embarrassed. Before Ms. B could continue about six kids came in through the door making a bit of a scene. Five of them looked out of breath while one of them seemed perfectly fine. One had blond shaggy hair with emerald green eyes and a green sleeveless shirt and black pants. Another one had auburn hair that was done up at the back with electric blue eyes with a nick on his eyebrow and a white shirt with a blue jacket and brown jeans. The last one had blonde hair and a military buzz cut with pale skin and pale blue eyes and a blue sweater with white jeans. The other three Marionette already knew as Kai, Nya, and Cole.

"Sorry were late we got lost." The one with green eyes said. "It's fine class these are our new students and congratulations Nya for having enough grades to get you above a grade." Ms. B said with a warm smile at Nya who shrugged sheepishly. Cole looks at Marionette and his face lights up in recognition as he digs in his bag for a moment before handing her a piece of paper. "You left this behind when you dropped your stuff." He said and Marionette takes it and realizes it was her homework assignment. "Thanks." She said handing it to Ms.B who was happy to finally have some form of her homework. "Now please go take a seat." Ms.B said as they all took a seat. Nya sat next to Marionette and Alya, while Cole sat next to Adrien and Nino, Kai was forced to sit next to Chloe who kept giving him a flirty smile. And the other three boys they didn't know the names of sat at the back across from Lila.

"Now please introduce yourselves while I do attendance." Ms.B said with a smile gesturing Nya to go first. "Hi I'm Nya I like building things." Nya said with a wave at the class. "Hi I'm Kai and if anyone thinks to flirt with Nya they'll answer to me." Kai said and Nya gives him a glare while some of the guys gulp. "I suggest to control that temper Mr. Smith just because she is your sister does not mean you have the right to say that." Ms. B said sternly and Kai shrugs his shoulders not caring. "Hi I'm Cole and I like sports." Cole said. "I'm Jay I like building too and can fix anything you give me." Said the boy with a nick on his eyebrow. "I'm Zane and I am a expert at chest." Said the boy with the buzz cut. "And I'm Lloyd I hope to have no issues with anyone." The guy in the green hoodie said.

"Great now everyone get to work on your English work you'll be doing a assignment in groups." Ms. B said everyone started jumping to who they wanted to go with before Ms. B yells. "I already picked the groups." And everyone groans. "Now Rose and Jelaka, Ivan and Melen, Cam and Alex, Max and Lila, Sabrina and Zane, Adrien, Nino, and Cole you will be a group of three, Nathan, Jay and Lloyd hope you get the work done with no doodles Nathan." Ms. B said with a look at the boy who did not make eye contact looking anywhere else. She sighs and continues on. "Nya, Marionette, and Alya you will be working in a group of three as well. And lastly Kai and Chloe." Ms. B finishes and Chloe looks quite happy with the arrangement probably pulling a few strings to have it done. Kai looks to the others for help but they all just hold in snickers while the class is giving him looks of pity. "Can I change partners?" Kai asked. "No." Ms.B said and Kai hits his forehead on the table. "Poor boy I feel sorry for him." Tiki whispers to Marionette who nods in agreement.

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