Chapter 68: Twins

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Lloyd was awoken by the sound of his cell opening. He opened his eyes to see one of his sons, the one with the white suite. The one he refers to as the nice one, the one that takes more after him. He guessed that might be why he wears a white suite with green accents while his other son with the bad attitude takes more after Aria and wears a black suite with purple accents.

Lloyd sat up "Did something happen?"

"N-no it's just that..." his son looked down "I-I want to b-believe you're my d-dad, mother said that my f-father didn't know about us when the lab exploded so you have to be him" His son sat across from him "did you really time travel?"

"yeah, after the lab exploded I woke up in a burning forest then the guards captured me before I could react" Lloyd explained

"I-I never met my dad" The boy in the white suite said sadly "it's really good finally meet you"

"I'm happy too, but I'd be happier if I knew your name, I can't really tell you and your bother apart" Lloyd chuckled

"O-oh I'm Len" The boy in the white suite told him "Mother says I take after you, I have your green elemental energy"

"really, that's awesome" Lloyd smiled "so your brother is Ren right?"

"Yeah, Ren takes after mother, he has her dark powers" Ren replied

"You two really do look like me and your mother" Lloyd said surprised "so what's going on, who are the rebels?"

"The rebels are the people going against mother's dark rule" Len explains "after you died mother's darkness started to take over again, mother holds the power of light and dark"

Lloyd gasped "like Aria's ying and yang fans, light and darkness"

"After me and my brother were born mother changed ninjago, some people tried to rebel and stop mother but they lost. They're still the leaders of the rebellion though, the fight between them and mother have been going on for 10 years now" Len explained

"You and your brother have grown up in a dark place" Lloyd said sadly "I need to return to my time so that the future doesn't end up like this, Len you need to help me"

Len shook his head "I can't go against mother, she'll be so disappointed in me"

"Len your mother isn't in the right mind right now" Lloyd tried to explain "please you need to help me"

"I-I'll try" Len said standing up "I-I have to go"

Len left Lloyd's cell and went back upstairs.

Lloyd breathed out "My sons... I can't believe Aria's pregnant, I have to get back to her"


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