Chapter 19: The Last Hope

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Aria opened her eyes, she looked around. She was in the hidden bounty, Wu was sitting down next to her bed.

"Good to see you are awake" Wu said standing up

"What happened?" Aria asked sitting up

"the ninja found you unconscious at the bottom of the mountain, what do you remember last?" Wu questioned

"A Gold dragon" Aria replied questionably

"It is what I feared" Wu said worried "Lloyd now has the golden power, meaning your powers are depleting, if it wasn't for the golden powers in your heart you wouldn't be awake right now"

"I already know about that, but are you saying I would be dead if I did?" Aria questioned as she stood up

"No no no" Wu said quickly "You misunderstand, you would only be unconscious until your father was destroyed, but now... I'm afraid you have no powers until then"

"You're saying my father has to be killed for me to get my powers back!" Aria shouted "My father is evil but I wouldn't wish for him to die!"

Wu sat her back down "Calm down, the natural power of good and evil is balanced until one side makes a move, so the natural order of your elemental powers depleted in order for your fathers to balance with Lloyd's"

"Then why did I pass out when Lloyd got his golden powers?" Aria questioned

"The sudden drain of your powers put too much stress on your body that you blacked out" Wu explained "as I already explained you're awake because of the golden energy in your heart put there by my father so you could live"

"But now I have no powers" Aria said sadly

"who knows what you are capable of" Wu said encouragingly "only time will tell"

Aria smiled weakly "thanks sensei"

"I already explained to the ninja, they know" Wu said

Aria looked worried "everything?"

"...everything" Wu replied

Wu walked out of her room. Aria changed her clothes and headed out to the ninja. 

The Ninja are celebrating their restored powers by shooting down coconuts

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The Ninja are celebrating their restored powers by shooting down coconuts.

"Enough! Are you trying to reveal our hidden location?" Wu said angry

"Sorry sensei" the ninja apologize

"Be wary of overconfidence, Ninja. While it is true your powers can defeat the Stone Warriors, only Lloyd alone has the power to defeat Garmadon. When it is all over, then we will see who laughs last" Wu says

"Yes, Sensei" the ninja say

Aria walks over looking worried

"uh hey Aria" Jay says nervously

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