Chapter 61: The Darkness Comes

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In the Monastery of Spinjitzu, Jay is practicing his Yin-Yang Promise to Nya on Kai and Aria.

Jay stutters "Nya. I-I wanted to ask you this for... a long time. Um, will you... be my Yang?" He holds up his Yin-Yang token.

"No, no, no. You can't ask like that" Kai says

"Why what was wrong with it?" Aria asks

"You have to ask with confidence. Like this" Kai switches Jay to his position "Hey, Nya, how's it going?" Grabs Jay's hand "I've been thinking. You and me. We make a pretty good pair. So what do you say we make it official?" Slides around Jay, grabs the Yin-Yang token, and spins into a proposal stance "Will you be my Yang?' Holds out the Yin-Yang token.

Jay takes the token and sighs happily "Yes!"

"Somewhere in someone's head I think you just created a new ship" Aria mumbles

Jay shook his head "Wait. No, I can't ask like that. It doesn't feel right, it feels too—I don't know, cocky."

Dareth slides into doorway "Who's cocky?"

"Kai" Aria answered

"Nobody" Kai corrects "Jay's trying to find the right way to ask Nya to be his Yang"

"Seriously?! You and Nya?! Wow!" Dareth shouts

Jay groans "Well after Lloyd and Aria made their marriage official I was just thinking..."

"It's supposed to be secret, so don't tell anyone" Aria ordered Dareth

"The Yin-Yang Promise is a beautiful and sacred tradition, Jay. Congratulations" Dareth gasps in excitement "Ah! I'm so excited to be part of it. Eh-hee. I-I am part of it, right?"

"Yes, Dareth" Jay answers and Dareth pounds his fist excitedly.

"If he ever asks Nya" Aria says

Nya walks into the doorway "Ask me what?" 

Everyone gasps.

Jay breaks out of his trance "Um" He passes token to Kai behind Dareth "Ask you where you got that shirt. Because it's awesome! I want one"

"It's a kimono, Jay. A traditional gown worn by women, Aria even has them" Nya replied

"Uh, so, where's Master Wu?" Kai asks

"In the courtyard, supervising the new mural" Nya replies

Dareth slides in front of Jay "Ooh, ooh, I want to see" he walks out with them following.

Everyone gazes at the mural.

"Wow" Jay says

Kai smiles "Will you look at that"

"It is the history of Ninjago. A history in which all of you played a significant role" Wu tells them

"And if it wasn't for me saving your asses most of the time you wouldn't have been there" Aria said and the others laughed

"Huh" Kai walks toward Pilot Season painting "What's that?"

"The Tornado of Creation. Don't you remember? We all came together and formed that—that bone cage thingy" Jay answered

"I can't believe that actually worked" Aria commented

"Master Wu. Are you sure you want to commemorate this moment? I mean, we've had better ones" Kai questioned

"It is a part of our history. When all hope seemed lost, you confronted destruction with creation" Wu balances his staff on his hand "Balance was restored. That is the power of Spinjitzu, which we must always— "

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