Chapter 29: The Invitation Part 1

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Half a year had past since Zane's memorial. The ninjas have all been distant to each other lately. Lloyd had continued being an active ninja and boyfriend. Lloyd wiped the sweat off his forehead as he finished his training for the day, as he drank water he heard noises outside.

"Not black, I said purple!" Lloyd heard his temperamental girlfriend shout

He left his training room and went down the hall to see Aria arguing with a servant as one of her bodyguards had a 'save me' look in his eyes. Lloyd held in a laugh and wraped his arms around his girlfriend's waist as he rested his chin on her shoulder.

"Why is my princess grumpy?" Lloyd questioned

"They made my dress for the ball black, I am not that dark!" Aria shouted

Lloyd sighed "Ah yes, the ball"

"Did you send out invitations to the ninja?" Aria questioned shooing the servant away and turning her full attention to Lloyd

"Yeah, I just don't know if they're coming" Lloyd replied

"They're our brothers Lloyd, I'm sure once they see my name they'll come" Aria reassured him

"Why your name?" Lloyd asked

Aria smirked "cause they know I'll find them and drag them limb from limb here if I have to"

"You're scary, but I love you" Lloyd said happily

"I know, I love you too" Aria said turning and kissing his forehead


Lloyd peered through the door too see if he can catch a glimpse of any of the ninja. He smiled as he spotted a cake loving ninja at the buffet with the others around him.

"Lloyd focus"

Lloyd turned his head back to his princess, she walked over and fixed his collar. 

"They're here" Lloyd said

Aria smiled "see I told you they would come"

"You're beautiful" Lloyd said taking her hand and kissing it

"Ready?" Aria asked

"Nope" Lloyd sighed "Let's do it"

The grand doors opened. Everyone turned to the top and stared in awe.

"Ladies and Gentleman, the Green Ninja Lloyd and Princess Aria"

"Ladies and Gentleman, the Green Ninja Lloyd and Princess Aria"

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They walked down to the bottom of the stairs. The ninjas took notice of everyone including Lloyd bow to Aria, and awkwardly tried to do the same. Jay lost balance and fell. Everyone slowly rised.

"Thank you everyone for coming to the kingdom's anniversary ball, enjoy tonight" Aria said

Music begun, everyone either started socializing or dancing. The ninjas all made their way over to Aria and Lloyd.

"It's been only, what, 6 months" Kai said "You two should've told us you were royalty"

"I'm not, Aria is" Lloyd clarified

"I inherited this half of Ninjago from my Father who inherited it from my grandfather" Aria explained "speaking of him, Grandpa"

Aria waved over an old man, he looked older then Sensei Wu but moved like he was still young.

"Grandpa these are my friends, the ninja" Aria introduced

"Ah yes, nice to meet you. I was the Original Overlord who fought the first spinjitzu master until my son took over" Her grandfather introduced "I trained Aria for a couple weeks"

"You're the original overlord" Jay said worried

"He's powerless Jay" Cole said

"My powers were passed down to my son and once he died his powers were passed onto Aria" Aria's grandfather explained

"I never knew being the Overlord was so much work" Jay said

"But it comes with half of Ninjago" Kai said a little annoyed

"It's not Ninjago" Aria argued "It's the Shadow Lands, this kingdom is not apart of Ninjago, we have our own problems"

"Monsters right?" Kai questioned

"yep, I saw a Vraal" Lloyd replied "It's scary"

"Lloyd's been helping protect the kingdom" Aria said wrapping her arms around Lloyd's neck and kissing his cheek

"What have you all been up to?" Lloyd asked

"I'm making a game show" Jay answered proudly

"I got a job" Cole replied

"I'm wrestling" Kai said

"Being a princess sounds more fun then that" Aria said taking off her gloves "Are we ever going to get the team back together"

"Their's no team without Zane" Kai said

"Their's always a team as long as their's a ninja" Lloyd said

"It doesn't work that way" Jay said

Aria sighed "Well for now let's have fun, it's a ball, let's dance"

Lloyd held his hand out to Aria who took it. They went to the middle of the dance floor and started dancing in step with the music. Jay and Nya smiled as they joined them.

Cole and Kai looked at each other "We need more girls"

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