Chapter 60: Green Destiny

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As Lloyd's group tends to an injured Nya and the dazed Skylor, Ultra Violet and the Sons of Garmadon surround and attack them. As they're being overpowered, a large portal forms in the sky, catching everyone's attention. Emerging from it are Wu and the Ninja who have returned on their newfound Dragons. They see the city's state and wonder where their friends are, as Nya contacts Kai to tell them that they need help.

Zane tracks the frequency and the ninja move to regroup with the others, Dareth and Nya are happy to see the Ninja are back and with dragon power, while Lloyd is very excited they held out to reunite with the others.

The Sons of Garmadon are scared by the dragons and run off but Zane's Ice Dragon freezes many of them in place while the other dragons dispatch the remainder. Firstbourne lands and Wu dismounts from her, as Lloyd and Nya are amazed to see that Wu has now aged into a teenager and by his new armor while he voices his support in defeating his brother since he isn't an old man on this day.

The group reconnects with hugs and the Ninja are updated, as to what happened to The Resistance and Mistaké.

"Ok where's Aria?" Cole asked "Usually she'd be hitting us for scaring her"

Lloyd's face turned sad

"what?" Kai questioned worried

"She didn't make it" Nya said "we watched Harumi kill her"

Dareth tells his sulking friends to have a final fight against Lord Garmadon, which is accepted. Wu and Lloyd head off intending to face Garmadon, while the Ninja evacuate the remaining citizens in the area. These acts cause the people to see their protectors have returned.

Wu and Lloyd fly the Firstbourne to Borg Tower, while Cole, Kai, Jay, and Zane fly their Dragons in their battle against the Colossus. Wu and Lloyd search for Garmadon, whose voice is heard remarking about the little "family reunion" before labeling them his enemies. Suddenly, he appears from the shadows and starts fighting them.

Lloyd is overpowered, while Wu continues fighting against his brother using their father's sword. Wu condemns him for his actions on the city, as Garmadon ignores him and says Wu can't stop him as the latter agrees by saying he can hold him. At that moment, the Firstbourne intervenes and encases Garmadon in molten rock - however, he breaks free, and unleashes a shock-wave of destructive energy. Wu is flung from the tower, though is saved by Firstbourne.

Lloyd is left to face his father alone. The Ninja continue fighting against the Colossus, using Vengestone Chains to try and incapacitate it. However, the chains are ineffective, and they eventually run out of them. Kai jumps onto the Colossus and begins binding the chains together even tighter.

On the tower, Garmadon continues fighting his son.

Lloyd dodges one of Garmadon's attacks "This isn't what your father wanted Ninjago to be. He left his world to make a better place. He fought to restore the balance!"

"Ninjago isn't built on balance! It's built on...power! And controlled by he who possesses it!" Garmadon shouted

Lloyd knocks the Dragonbone Blade off Garmadon's hands and switches his sword for it "No matter what you've done, or what you've become, I have to believe this isn't you. You can change!"

"Youthful ignorance! People don't change. They only reveal who they truly are!" Garmadon shouted

Lloyd shouted "You're wrong!"

Garmadon made Lloyd drop the sword off the building.

"Get up and fight me. Get up! Fight me!" Garmadon shouted

"No. It's the fight that fuels you. I can not fight you...but I can resist you" Lloyd dodges his attacks.


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