Chapter 22

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You open your eyes slowly covering your eyes with your arm blocking out the bright light. You sit up looking around still rubbing your eyes and being half asleep.

"Y/N! You're awake!"

You look over and see Kiyo, Sumi, and Naho with a tray of food. You smile groggily and wave. They jump onto you and hug you tightly making you not being able to breathe and falling back on your back to the bed.

"Can't- breathe-"

"Ah! Sorry Y/N!"

You smile and shake your head. You stand up doing stretches feeling a bit stiff. You stretch your arms in the air, do side lunges, and touch the floor. As you did that you heard loud footsteps coming from the hallway and you see Tanjiro.


"Ah Tanjiro-"

He runs towards you hugging you tighter than Kiyo, Sumi, and Naho combined. You pat his back frantically to try and tell him that you couldn't breathe and he lets go apologizing.

"You missed me that much?"

You laughed lightly patting his back.

"You've been asleep for almost 3 months! How could I not?!"

You widen your eyes surprised but not surprised at the same time. You have been asleep for over 200 years so a couple months were nothing compared to that, but still it was a while.

"I have?"

Tanjiro nods frantically and you laugh.

"I know you were knocked out for at least 2 months so don't worry about me."

You waved to Tanjiro and the 3 girls heading to the training room for a bit of warming up your body and getting it used to doing things again. You walked in and saw Kanao and Aoi talking.

"Kanao! Aoi!"

You run over to them and they were surprised to see you up and running already, but else did they expect from ayou?

"Y/N! It's good to see you're all right. Especially with your fight against that Upper Rank."

You put your finger on your chin thinking back to that fateful night remembering things.

After the group hug you remember your eyes feeling heavy and you assumed that you fell asleep.

You nodded and asked Kanao and Aoi to help you train. They happily accepted your request and that was what it was like for the next couple hours. You lost a couple of times, but you started to regain your touch.

You took a small break taking a towel and wiping the sweat off your face and neck. You took a piece of string and put up your hair feeling a nice breeze hit your dampened face and neck. You waved goodbye to Kanao and Aoi thanking them for the training and walked to the bath house. You took a quick bath and changed into your uniform in case there would be any missions to go to. Once you put on your uniform you walk around not really having any to do.

As you were walking around the estate, you passed the training room and saw Tanjiro, Kiyo, Sumi, and Naho talking while eating some food.

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