Chapter 11- Dark/Knockout Sequel Continuation

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Note***You should read the two stories (links in the bio) first in order for this story to make sense. Thanks!

Chapter 11:

"I know. But it feels new," she softly smiles, thumb lightly rubbing at the tattoo on his hip.

***Bo's POV***

As I lay underneath Harry I can't get my mind to stop racing. There's just so many thoughts in my head and I'm nervous to make love with the boy that had gotten away from me not once but twice. It's at that point that my mind trailed off to the movie "The Notebook" and I compared my experience to Ally when she and Noah first had sex. Her mind was racing but then everything became clear and she knew Noah was the one. I have never doubted that Harry is the one, but our relationship has never been easy and we have fought so many obstacles to get to where we are. However I know I would fight forever for this curly haired boy.


Harry had snapped me back to reality. He brushed his nose against mine.

"What's going on in that beautiful head of yours?"

I give Harry a smile and place my fingers on his hip bones and slowly start to trace his v-line. I give him a quick peck on the mouth and say wouldn't you like to know.

Harry leans down and starts to shower my neck with kisses. He slowly sucks and i can tell a small mark will be left on my skin. I love that Harry likes to leave reminders of our intimate moments on my skin. I can't explain it, it's just hot to think about. He's mine and I'm his. I feel the heat building in my stomach. Just as I start to pull at the waist of his boxers the door bell rings.

I sigh as Harry rolls off of me and pulls on a pair of black joggers and hurries to the door where I can here a female yelling "Harry I know your In there, open up!"

***Harry's POV***

I hurry to the door slightly uncomfortable as just moments ago I was having a heated moment with Bo. I take some deep breaths as I am trying to come down from the high that Bo had given me with her touches. I can feel my heart rate start to slow.

The person on the other side of the door is continuously knocking like an impatient little school girl would when she wanted to see her best friend. I swing open the door to see my sister Jess and my niece at the door. I look at them in confusion.

"I need you to watch Sophie while I go to the store. Jason got called in to work and I have no one to watch her."

She looks at me without even a hello but that's okay because that's Jess, straight to the point. Jason is Jess' husband and he is an ER doctor, so he gets called in at random times. It's 8pm so he'll probably be having a long night. I don't like that Jess is left alone but she's strong, so I know she's fine.

As I am about to answer her. I am cut off by her face lighting up and girly squeaks while looking past me. I turn around to see Bo in one of my grey t-shirts and a pair of my black boxers. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Her long locks are in a side braid. She looks like a goddess. My knees buckle for a moment as I almost fall to the floor.

As I am admiring Bo, Jess let's go of Sophie's hand and runs over to Bo, squeezing her in a huge hug.

"I can't believe I'm seeing you right now. Are you really here?" Jess exclaims as she pinches her to make sure she isn't seeing things.

It had been years since they had seen each other and the reunion made me happy. All I've ever wanted is to have Bo be a part of my family and seeing them engage in small talk warmed my heart.

While they were chattering away I picked up Sophie and started to tickle her. She is the cutest little girl with her blonde curly hair split into pig tails. She giggles as I start to twirl her around. After a few minutes of playing, Jess runs over & kisses Sophie's head. She says, "Mommy will be back in a little bit." She then turns to Bo and says good luck watching these two children as she smirks and pats my curly hair. I roll my eyes. Just like that Jess is out the door and on her way.

I turn to look at Bo and she is smiling bashfully as she looks at Sophie playing with the blocks her mom had left for her.

I break the silence and say Welp I didn't think this was how our night was going to play out.

She comes over to sit cross legged next to Sophie.

"Yeah, me neither, but I'm sort of glad it did. I love children!" She giggles.

***1.5 hours later***

Jess had called to apologize. She said it took longer than expected, but she was on her way. I told her it was fine as I spoke to her on the phone. I was holding back a laugh as I look over at Sophie and Bo in the kitchen who were covered in flour from their pizza making adventures. They were now enjoying the pizza that had just come out of the oven.

I had never thought about Bo as a mom, but now that I see her in action I know she would be great at it. She was good at so many things, I didn't know how to compete. Just the thought of her with a pregnant belly and carrying my child had me blush. She's the only woman I would ever want to carry my child. She's my better half and is teaching me how to control my dark side. Other girls had feared my dark side or they enjoyed it just for the sex aspect. Bo didn't fear me and she knew how to somewhat control my darkness.

I was caught up in my thoughts when I realized I was still on the phone and Jess was saying "Hello, earth to Harry."

Sorry Jess, yep that's fine take your time. We are all good here. I hang up and head over to join the girls in eating pizza.

Bo flicks some flour at me playfully. I counter back, "oh so that's how it's gonna be. I take some cheese and sprinkle it on Bo's head. She jumps on me and wraps her legs around me. I was not prepared and we fall back onto my carpeted living room.

I roll over so that I'm above Bo and start tickling her. Sophie jumps on top of me. I start to crawl around on all fours with Sophie on my back. I nay like a horse and Sophie says, " I a cowgirl!" Just as I make my second circle around the living room Jess casually walks in the door with a look of bewilderment on her face as she takes in the scene.

Sophie yells, "Hi Mommy! I a cowgirl!" Jess picks ups Sophie off my back and kisses her and then kisses my forehead. She says thank you to Bo & I. We both give Sophie a kiss on the cheek before Jess hurries our the door mumbling, "We need to get you to bed little girl!"

Bo looks sleepy laying on the couch now that it's just her and I. I walk over and say let's go to bed. She says she's too weak to walk and needs a lift. I sweep her up bridal style and she kisses my neck as I walk us back to the bedroom. I lay her down gently and kiss her forehead as she looks to be dozing off.

I pull my joggers off and slip into the bed next to her. She curls into me. I wrap my legs with hers and I feel at home. It's warm and peaceful. I think about all those sleepless nights without her and am thankful I have her back.

"Harry, I had a really good time tonight. I'm really glad you are back in my life."

I respond, Me too, Bo.

After that I hear her breathing slow and a slight snore starts to come from her lips. I chuckle as she's such a cute sleeper. I feel so blessed in that moment and I quietly whisper I love you Baby. She is asleep, so she doesn't hear it which I am thankful for because I don't want to scare her away. I spend the next few minutes listening to her breathing until my eye lids droop and I enter into sweet dreams of Bo.

Let me know what you guys think of the first chapter I wrote in the comments! Any advice is welcomed as I have never written anything before. Thanks!

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