Chapter 11

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Warnings: Mention and use of alcohol. Mention of blood.

Alex is about to say something when we hear the locker room door open. We both turn towards the door as the team walks in with Jill and Dawn. "What's going on," Jill asks.

"Nothing," I say as I grab my things and start to walk out the room.

Before I leave Kelley places her hand on my shoulder. I shove it off and walk out of the locker room. I continue walking till I leave the stadium. I pull out my phone and text Jill.

Y/N: I'm not coming back to the hotel till later. You can have one of the back up medical staff members take care of Julie and Alex when you guys get to the hotel.

Jill: Please stay safe. Alex told us what happened, I'm so sorry, text or call me if you need anything. Be back at the hotel by midnight, I'll be in the lobby.

Once I read her text I go to my contacts and call someone. They pick up, "Hey, Tristan."


Y/N's POV:

"Hey, Y/N/N," Tristan says, "How have you been?"

I sigh as I pull my hood over my head to keep me warm and so no one recognizes me, because apparently they do. "It's been rough, not gonna lie. When I got here I was so scared, oh, I also found out that Alex was cheating on me with Servando six months before the wedding," I tell him.

I hear him groan, "Shit," I hear him mumble.

"What," I ask him confused as I walk into a grocery store.

"Nothing, nothing, don't worry about it," Tristan tells me.

I'm still curious, but I continue, "Anyway, apparently the entire team knew what she was doing too the entire time."

"Who told you that," he asks.

"Alex did. We got into a fight a couple weeks ago and we just got into another fight like 20 minutes ago."

Tristan mumbles again and I can barely make out what he is saying. Then he speaks up, "I'm sorry Y/N, are you gonna do what I told you to do before you left?"

I chuckle lightly as I walk into the alcohol aisle, "I don't think so," I say as I grab a six pack of beer, "Even though they hurt me, I shouldn't do the same, that would be such a shitty move."

Tristan huffs, "I still think you should do it."

I roll my eyes as I get to the cashier and hand her money, "Why the hell do you think I should do it?"

"I-I," he stammers.

"Whatever, Tristan. I'm not going to do it. Now I gotta go and drink my anger and sadness away now," I tell him as I grab the case of beer and leave the store.

"Wait," Tristan says, but I hang up.

I lean against a wall for a second and let the cold air hit my face. I sigh and look up as I feel tears start to form in my eyes. Why does this have to happen to me? I don't know what I did wrong to deserve this.

I look back down at the case of beer in my hand. This is the only thing that makes me forget. I grab my air pods out of my jacket and listen to music as I walk to the closest park.

Once I get to the park I sit down on a bench. I grab a beer from the case and start drinking. I start thinking back to how the girls have been acting towards me. Then I think about how they hid such a big secret from me for six months, why would they do that?

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