Chapter 50

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Warnings: Swearing.

"You would of been able to do it. I know you would of. Look where you are now, Y/N. A successful woman who is getting back on track. You're doing well," Hope says and I smile and pull her in for a hug.

"Thank you," I say.

Hope kisses the side of my head then she wraps her arm around my shoulders, "Now let's go celebrate.

Y/N's POV:

I am laying in the bed in our hotel room staring up at the ceiling. It is the day after our Utah game and Alex got her call up for the next camp. I still haven't gotten the call.

"Babe," Alex says walking into the room.

I don't say anything and continue to stare at nothing. I hear Alex sigh then I feel the bed dip next to me. Alex wraps her arm around my waist and sets her head on my chest, "You're going to get a call."

"What if Hope and Lauren decide that I'm not good enough to be on it?" I ask and I feel Alex tighten her hold on me.

"You are good enough. No matter what they choose, you are good enough," Alex says and I just sigh.

The next thing I know my phone starts going off. I pick it up and my eyes widen. "Hey, Cheney," I say sitting up and Alex looks at me with a smile.

"Hey, Y/N. I just want to let you know that Hope and I would live to have you on the Olympic Qualifying roster," she says.

"I would love to be on it," I say with a smile.

"Great, see you soon," Cheney says then we hang up.

"Let's go!" I shout.

Alex tackles me into the bed and I laugh. "Congratulations," she mumbles into my neck.

"Thank you," I say kissing the top of her head.

"You know, we don't have to leave for another couple hours," Alex says as she straddles my waist.

"That's true," I say as I place my hand on her thigh, "What should we do?" I ask with a smirk.

"I have a few ideas."
It is now our time to leave Utah. Alex and I are in the lobby with the rest of the Pride team. We already said our goodbyes to the girls.

"Alright girls, time to get on the bus," Marc says.

Everyone makes their way onto the bus. I sit next to Alex and rest my head on head shoulder. "I think we should do get married by a beach," I say as the bus starts to move.

"Really?" Alex asks with a smile.

"Yeah, I feel like it would be the most relaxing. You also just shine in the sun," I say and Alex's smile widens.

"I love you," she says.

"I love you too," I say then place a kiss on her lips.

"Stop being so fucking cute," Ashlyn mumbles behind us.

I laugh and Alex does as well. "You and Ali are getting married soon though, so at the wedding, I'll say that," I say and Ashlyn sends me a playful glare.

I chuckle and close my eyes. I feel Alex kiss the top of my head then rest her head on top of mine. After twenty minutes we arrive at the airport and get on the plane.

"Orlando here we come!" I shout on the plane and everyone laughs.
"Home sweet home," I say as I face plant onto the bed.

"Babe, grab your bag," Alex says as she walks into the room.

"Fine," I groan standing back up.

Alex slaps me on the back of the head and I chuckle.

I grab my bag and quietly make my way back to the bedroom. I see Alex standing in front of the bed on FaceTime with someone. I gently place my bag down and run up behind Alex tackling her into the bed.

She screams as I take her down and her phone lands on the pillow. I start laughing my ass off and Alex starts slapping me, but I continue to laugh.

I hear laughing from the phone and I quickly grab it before Alex can. "What's up Mal Pal?" I say as I lay down.

Alex glares at me and I just chuckle. "Hey, Y/N. I'm good. Clearly you and Alex are doing well," she says with a smile.

"That is very correct," I say with a bright smile.

Alex snatches her phone back. "Bye Mal," I shout as Alex starts to walk out of the room.

"Bye Y/N," Mal shouts.

I grab my computer and start to look at some venues for the wedding. Alex said she wants to be close to her family for the wedding, so I'm looking in California.

Ten minutes later Alex walks in and she sits next to me. "Find anything?" she asks.

"I found a couple," I say.

"Have you thought about the people who will fill the roles at our wedding?" Alex asks.

"I actually have," I say setting my computer next to me.

"Can you tell me?" Alex asks.

"Only if you tell me yours after," I say and Alex chuckles.

"Of course I will," she says placing a hand in my cheek.

"My maid of honor will be Kelley. Matron of honor will be Hope. Now for the six bridesmaids, it will be Christen, Emily, Cheney, Ali, Julie, and Hartley," I say.

"I think that list is perfect. Emily will go crazy when they find out," Alex says making me laugh.

"She probably will, but she's important to me," I say with a smile.

"I know," Alex says kissing me.

"You're turn," I say.

"So, my maid of honor will be will be one of my sisters, the other will be a bridesmaid. Matron of honor will be my mom. My other five bridesmaids will be Allie, Tobin, Sydney, and Megan," Alex says and I look at her.

"You're mom is going to be your matron of honor?" I say with a sweet smile.

"Yes," Alex says with a bright smile.

"Aww, that's so sweet," I say wrapping my arms around her.

"Who should be the usher?" Alex asks.

"How about," I say as I start to think, "How about Zach?"

"I like that idea. I have a person for the ring bearer," Alex says and I look at her, "How about Cassius?"

My eyes widen, "Yes!" I shout standing up on the bed.

"And the flower girl can be your niece," I say and I see Alex's eyes brighten.

"Now we just need to figure out the officiant," Alex says.

"We can do that later," I say laying back down.

"Are you going to invite your dad and Vivian?" Alex asks and my body goes rigid.

"I don't know. I need to talk to Hartley."

"Why, so you can get her opinion?" Alex asks confused.

"No, to see if my dad and Vivian have talked about me," I say and Alex nods.

"I think that's a good idea. In the end, it's your decision," she says.

"Thanks baby," I say kissing her.

"Of course. I'm going to make dinner, I'll call you when it's ready," she says getting up and walking out of the room.

I lay down fully on the bed and just think.

Should I invite my dad and Vivian to the wedding?
Hey, guys! I, personally, don't like this chapter so much, but I felt that it was a good idea to just have it. Do you think Y/N should Vivian and her dad to the wedding? I hope you enjoyed it though! Don't forget to comment, vote, and stay safe!

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