Chapter 19

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Warnings: None

We slowly lean in, but the door opens and we quickly pull away. "Did we interrupt something?"

"No, you didn't. Hey, Jill. Hey, Dawn," I say as Alex starts to run her fingers through my hair.

"I just wanted to say that I am so sorry for how I treated you," Jill says, "You didn't deserve that and I am very sorry."

"I know Jill. I acted out poorly, I probably would of done the same. Also, thank you, both of you, for letting Alex to come and see me," I say.

"Of course, we'll leave you girls to it," Dawn says and they walk out the room.

"That was awkward," Alex says with a laugh.

"That was," I reply and look back up at her and she looks back down.

"I mean, it could still happen if you want it to," Alex says.

"I want it to," I reply.

We slowly lean into each other and then our lips touch. All I feel are sparks and butterflies that I haven't felt in a year. "Yeah," I say as we pull away, "We will definitely go on a date when we get to Orlando."

Alex laughs and kisses me one more time before I lay my head back on her chest. I have a good feeling with what's to come.

Y/N's POV:

It has been three days since the team came to visit me. Alex hasn't left my side besides to get food, take a shower, and go to the restroom. Right now nurses are setting me up in my room to take me for a brain scan and it is 3am. I tiredly look at Alex as she sits next me. She tiredly looks back at me.

"Ok," Dr. Miller says, "We will take about 15 minutes to get enough brain scans and we'll be back."

Alex nods and stand up and walks to me. "I'll see you in a little bit," she says as she places a kiss on my lips.

"See you in a bit," I say with a smile then I am taken to the other room.

After 15 minutes the nurses take me back to my room where I see Alex sleeping on the couch. The nurses quietly set my leg and arm back up on the wire and leave the room. Dr. Miller then walks in, "You'll have your results tonight, Y/N. Sound good?"

"Sounds perfect, thanks Doc," I say to her.

"No problem, get some rest," Dr. Miller says and walks out the room.

Once she leaves I look at Alex and smile, she looks so peaceful. I close my eyes and go to sleep.
It is about 11am when I am waken up by someone moving around. I groan a little when the light in the room blinds me and I close my eyes. I hear someone chuckle and I slowly open my eyes. "Hey, beautiful," Alex says as she walks over to me.

I smile at her, "Hi."

"I'm gonna head out to get some food, do you want anything," Alex asks me.

"A taco would be great," I tell her.

Alex laughs as she hold my hand, "You love your tacos don't you?"

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