Chapter 3

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Warnings: None

Disclaimer: The schedule for games and camps leading up to the World Cup will not be spot on accurate.


"I was wondering if you would like to be the team doctor for the games and camps leading up to the World Cup and during the tournament as well," Jill says.

My eyes widen and I get out of bed. "It depends, Jill," I say as I start to pace in my room.

"Of course, what is it," Jill asks.

"I'm just worried about seeing everyone again, especially you know who," I say,

Jill sighs, "Well, you may interact with them however you want, I just want to let you know that the team does miss you."

I think for a little then I tell Jill my decision, "When do I start?"



It is February 15th. Jill called me a couple days ago asking me to become the team doctor and I agreed. She got my plane ticket sent to me and sent me some USWNT gear. Jill wanted me to be there for the camp before the SheBelieves Cup so I am leaving today.

Right now Tristan is taking me to the airport so I don't have to leave my car there. I see Tristan look over at me for a second when he sees that I am nervous. "What's wrong, Y/N/N? You only play with your bracelet when you're nervous," he says.

I sigh sinking more into the seat. "I'm just scared. I haven't seen the team in the year, I don't know how they're going to react. I also have to see Alex, I don't even want to talk to her, Trist. It's hard enough just to hear her name, to see her in person might be the worst," I say as I look out the window.

As we pull up to the airport Tristan grabs my hand and I look at him. "You will be fine, I promise. I understand what it's like, i know what you're feeling. I am a call away and you'll know I'll be here for you," Tristan tells me.

I smile as we get out of the car. Ever since I started working at the store Tristan has always been like a father figure for me. Trist and I get my things out of the car and I grab my guitar. Once we're done Tristan pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around him and sink into his embrace.

We pull away from each other. "I'm gonna miss you kiddo, stay safe and don't forget to call," Tristan says.

"Of course, I'll call when I land in Philadelphia," I tell him as I pick up my things.

"Alright, I'll see ya Y/N/N," Tristan says.

"Bye, Trist," I say as I enter the airport.

I drop off the suitcases that are going under the plane and go through security. Now I am in the waiting area sitting by a window. I have my headphones on and I'm just listening to some songs I've been working on. I'm lost in the music till I see three figures staring at me who are about 10 feet away. I look that way and my heart speeds up.

I stand up as they start to walk towards me. The first one who gets to me pulls me into a tight hug. "I missed you so much, Y/N/N," she says.

I feel wetness was on my shirt and hold the person tighter, "I missed you to Christen, so much," I hold Christen for a little longer till we hear someone clear their throat.

We let go of each other and I am brought into a hug by the next person. "Hey, Becky," I say as I wrap my arms around her.

"Hi, Y/N," Becky says as she holds me.

Becky then pulls away and I am slapped on the arms by her and Christen. "Ow, what the hell was that for," I ask as I rub my arms.

"That's for not talking to anyone on the team for a year," Christen says with a slight smile.

Next thing you know someone is jumping on me while they wrap their arms around my shoulders and legs around my waist. I grunt a little not expecting it, but I still hold them. "What are you doing, Kell? I just saw you a couple days ago," I say as I hold onto her.

I hear Kelley sniffle a little and I tighten my arms around her. "I know, but I couldn't hug you like this, Y/N/N. I missed your hugs," Kelley says.

I chuckle a little, "I missed your hugs too, Squirrel."

Kelley laughs and gets off me. "So, does anyone else know I'm coming," I ask the three women.

"No, we're the only ones since we are getting on the same flight. Jill wanted to let us know ahead of time, she didn't tell anyone else," Becky answers.

"Alright then," I say as I sit back down.

Christen sits next to me and leans her head on my shoulder while Becky and Kelley sit across from us. "So," Becky starts, "Are we gonna talk about what has happened after last year or no," she asks me.

I look at her and sigh a little. I feel Christen gab my hand to comfort me. "I don't know, I don't think I'll ever be ready, honestly. I'm gonna be honest, you're lucky I'm acting like this towards you guys. Ever since the wedding I have closed myself off, I'm not the same," I answer.

Becky nods in a understanding way. "It's ok, you just tell us whenever you're ready, Y/N/N," Christen tells me.

I look down at Christen and smile gratefully at her as she smiles back. We hear our flight get called and we all get up. As we're walking over Becky holds me back, "I just want to say that everyone on the team is sorry Y/N/N. We weren't there for you and it wasn't fair," Becky tells me.

I form a small smile, "It's ok, Becks. I'm not over it completely, but I'm getting there slowly," I tell her.

After that, we get on the plane. Apparently, Jill got us tickets so we're sitting next to each other in first class. Kelley and I are sitting next to each other in one row while Becky and Christen sit in the row across from us.

I sigh as we take off thinking about everything that will happen in a few hours. I feel Kelley lean her head on my shoulder. I look down at her, "What happened to all your craziness Kell," I ask with a chuckle.

Kelley hums as she wraps her arms around my arms, "I haven't forgiven myself after what happened last year. I felt like it was my fault and I haven't always acted the same. I am also just tired," she says with a chuckle.

I laugh and lean my head on top of hers and close my eyes. Maybe going won't be so bad.

Here's another update! I know I'm coming in fast with the updates, but I have just been in a really good mood. If you think I am updating too fast just let me know. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to comment and vote and stay safe!

Not the Same (Alex Morgan/Reader) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt