
299 13 24

description: In the Tangled universe. Dean is Rapunzel, Cas is Flynn Ryder

note: Day thirteen of my thirty day writing challenge! I'm literally so excited for this. This is gonna be so adorable. This'll be sorta cheesy too, but it's a damn fairy tale, what are you expecting?

Also, this will be a two parter just in case you guys don't like it. Please please please let me know if you do and I'll make a second part!!! (it won't be apart of the thirty day writing challenge... it'll take me a while to make it. I'm basing it off of the whole movie... with some modifications of course!)

words: 5,188

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This is a story about how Castiel Novak died

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This is a story about how Castiel Novak died. No, just kidding. This was a story about how a man trapped in a tower named Dean fell in love with a thief named Castiel. As a baby, Dean was blessed with healing powers that can only be used by his blood. Dean was snatched from an evil man, who called himself Crowley, taking him away from Dean's family and everything else he had. Dean was only a young infant at the time, so he grew up thinking that Crowley was his father. Crowley kept him quarantined in a tower high above, using Dean's blood as healing powers, keeping him young.

The boy would have to cut his arm, and then cut Crowley's arm. Dean would use his blood and put it on top of the other's blood, both of their cuts would be healed and Crowley would feel young again. In the tower alone, Dean would occupy himself by baking pies, shooting darts, practicing poker, (with Sam, his chameleon, who arguably wasn't better than he was) baking more pies, chess, stuff like that. Anything that would keep Dean from going insane. He would sleep in often, usually until about noon. Crowley would already be gone, doing god knows what. Dean always wondered. What was the point of staying there? Father had always told him people would kill him, drain him of his blood and use it for evil. However, every year on January 24th, Dean would look outside and see lanterns flying across the sky. 

Every year! On the exact same day! It couldn't have been a coincidence. Dean knew it was calling for him. He just needed to convince Father that he needed to go, and see his true calling. However, every single year, Father would disown him, and told him that the lanterns were stars. But Dean had seen lanterns before, and they looked exactly like the ones floating in the sky, fire drifting them away. There were details on the sides of every single one of them, but from the distance of his tower, he couldn't make of what they were. Dean wasn't the best painter, but on a windowless sill, he painted himself looking at the lanterns, sitting on top of a tree. He wished his life was like the mural. All he wanted to do was go outside and see the real world. Feel the grass on his feet, interact with animals, listen to the wind blow across the ground, climb a tree. Everything he ever wanted to do was outside, yet Father kept him from it. He would do anything to go outside, yet the tower was too tall for him to jump down. Dean was strong, yet if he slipped and fell, he would certainly die.

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