Dooku's Mission [NSFW]

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I was getting dressed for Dooku his mission. I will be training a whole day, training on the Force and my lightsaber techniques. I wore my jogging pants a crop top, sprayed some deodorant and did my hair in a good pony tail. No weird styles, just easy style.

"Princess, are you ready?" Grievous asked me, looking at me while I stood there seeing my reflection in the mirror. I smiled and looked down. "I am almost ready General, just need to finish up a few things." I answer, putting on my shoes and grabbing my Sith Cloak and lightsaber. I finished my water and checked my phone for a last time in a while. It has been  a busy week.

Grievous and I need to plan our wedding too, maybe even take over Earth whenever possible. My planet needs a clean up from all the bad people. No jail anymore. Execution for the ones who misbehave or losing limbs. Seems like a plan to me. I have a serious meeting with all the separatists in the council and Sir Dooku leading us all. I honestly hope I will be assisted in my speech there.

Grievous gave me a back hug and looked me in the eyes, from the mirror. He purred so sweetly whenever he was near me. "You look ready to go Y/N, we shall see what will happen there. Tell your plans about Earth too. They will be very important in the future." 

I was deep in thoughts. I need my speech, if I will ever give one, to be very convincing. Like my planet is not strong enough, and maybe if I can share my phone, I can show them how they work, so we can use strategy. All plans for the future are in my mind, but my granny always told me 'live today, because there may be no tomorrow' and that is what I will do.

"Yes let's go General." I answer smiling, giving him a quick kiss on the exposed part of his skin, by his face plate. He purred and we walked together to the elevator. The long grey, metallic halls were filled with Droids guarding. After a small training in combat they listen more to me, and are smarter than before, yet, they are still dumb Droids. They are funny tho, no offence.

When arrived at the elevator I stood close to my beloved General. Droids guarding in front of us, and other Droids taking it over, to go to the Soulless One. Grievous is planning on making a new ship, big enough for around four or five riders. Two or three Droids and than the both of us. He will call it The Soulless One Proto, and after testing, it will be The Soulless one. The other ship will be permanently destroyed.

There wasn't many space in the small ships, so I was always sitting on the ground, but there is this one ship, actually Dooku his ship, that has a table in it. I mistake it every time for The Soulless one, but isn't it like, that ship? I honestly don't know much about space ships, I am more interested in taking over the Earth and being the most powerful Sith ever known. 

A small flight towards Dooku his mansion, I saw a few Droids outside, not waiting or Guarding but in a fighting position. Traitors maybe?

"Princess, do your best okay? I will pick you up as soon as possible when you're done." He said, giving a small wave before leaving. His cape magnificently moved behind him in the wind, into the ship. He was clearly the hottest guy ever.

I walked confidently towards the entry and the door opened for me. Dooku was waiting inside for me. "I see you arrived, (Sith Name). I will ask you some questions first, before we can start, so sit down." He said politely, making me flinch a small smile. He had an extra chair now, for me. 

"Okay, so Y/N, a few questions about your latest force uses. At first, have you noticed anything different?" He began making me look back at the day I came on Earth. Fighting Sidious alone, and almost seeing Grievous getting killed. Tears welled up in my eyes, making me wipe them away fast.

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