twenty two

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Charlotte Thompson

"20 year old rising star and lead singer of Devil's Advocate spotted with mysterious girl."

Harry reads the headline of an article that had just been published moments ago.

The person that snapped a picture of us a few hours ago turned out to be paparazzi.

"I've never been bothered by paps before." Harry says as his narrowed eyes scan the paper.

I pace around the room, stressed and confused.

"Just under a week before his bands tour, singer Harry Styles was seen with an unnamed mystery girl earlier today. The two were spotted walking out of a tattoo shop, then making friendly conversation in his car." He says as he reads an excerpt.

This was bad. My family could see this.

And if my family sees it, they'll want to come find me.

"Well, good thing we leave soon." he says, tossing the paper on his hotel bed.

"I cant believe this." I shake my head, my fingers tangled in my hair.

"It's fine." Harry says, shrugging it off. "I promise you nothing's going to happen."

I toss my head back with a frustrated groan. "Why can't everything just be normal for once?" I whine.

Harry stands up from the bed. "Baby, you're surrounded by a group of criminals who sing and perform in a rock band in their spare time. Things will never be normal again."

He was right, and I hated it.

"Well." he claps his hands together, the rings on his fingers making a clanking noise. "I need to get going to this stupid rehearsal." he says as he picks up the flannel he was wearing earlier and puts it on.

"Can I come?" I ask, perking up and seeing this as another opportunity to get out of this hotel for a while.

Harry pouts his lip and shrugs. "I didn't think you'd be interested. You can tag along if you want." he says.

"Anything's better than being stuck here alone." I respond as we begin to walk out together.

But right before we step of the room, he stops.

"Wait." he says, turning back around and walking past me.

I turn around as well, watching him as he approaches his dresser and opens a drawer, digging through it.

Eventually he pulls out two handkerchief-like fabrics.

"What's that for?" I ask, furrowing my brows.

He walks up to me. "Just incase paparazzi are out and about again." he says.

He puts the blue handkerchief between his teeth as a holding place as he uses both of his hands to bring the red one up to my face.

He stands tall above me, tying the fabric loosely over my nose and mouth and behind my head to hide my identity.

He then takes his own handkerchief from his mouth, covering the bottom half of his own face just like he did with mine.

"All good?" he says.

I nod.

Usually, I don't agree with Harry's ideas, but this was a good one.

Even if paparazzi weren't out, there are still a group of people after him and covering our faces up wasn't the worst plan he's ever had.

He hands me a pair of sunglasses to cover my eyes, which were much to big for my face so I had to hold them up with my hand as we walked to his car.

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