forty four

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^you can play the song when it gets to Harry's pov near the end of you want! :)

Charlotte Thompson

The second we got to the hotel, I didn't even have the time to put my bags in Harry's room. I was practically being dragged to the rooftop of this San Diego hotel by the boys.

"I rented this shit out while we were on the plane." Niall says as the elevator brings us all the way to the roof. "It'll be the biggest party San Diego has ever fuckin' seen." he says with a cocky tone.

I look around at the scene. There was a giant pool, and some lounge chairs and a couple of scattered couches and seats. There were a few cabanas with beds. There was also a bar, which I'm sure all of us will make great use of.

"This is actually sick." Harry says as he scans the roof. It was like it was made for partying.

"I've gotta set it up with some lights and stuff before the concert." Niall says while crouching down and dipping his hand in the pool to test the temperature.

"I'll help." I say, causing Niall to look up at me.

I had nothing to do, and it could be a fun distraction. So why not?

"You don't have to." he says.

"No it's okay. I want to." I tell him, earning a smile and nod.

"I'll help too." Harry suddenly comes to stand right beside me after my exchange with Niall.

"Oh great." Niall says with another smirk, then looks behind Harry and I. I turn and follow his direction, spotting Louis who was leaned against the door to the stairs.

He catches us all looking at him and arches his brow. "What?"

"Do you wanna help us set up, jackass?" Harry scoffs.

Louis hesitates then rolls his eyes. "Fine, whatever."

After we got situated in our rooms, we all met back up on the rooftop. Niall had a few bags full of lights and cups and glasses...all the necessities for a party.

If I'm being completely honest, it was mostly Niall and I setting this party up. Harry and Louis basically lounged on the chairs watching it all.

I was on a step stool, setting up some lights along the waist high concrete. The rest of the roof was sealed with clear glass, so it wasn't open except for a few windows. You could see the outside sky, which was still sunny and bright.

I finished with the lights and suddenly felt Niall's hands on my hips, lifting me up and helping me down from the stool with a smile. I laugh at the gesture because it was unexpected and cheeky, like him.

When my feet hit the ground, I look over at Harry who was across the pool in a white lounge chair...staring.

His brows were furrowed, knit together tightly and his eyes were narrowed on Niall and I.

I took it upon myself to skip around the pool and over to him. His eyes were glued on me as I crouched down and grabbed his face in my hands.

"What's the matter?" I say in a lighthearted tone, cupping his cheeks.

"Nothing." he mumbles, looking at my lips.

"Is relaxing on a lounge chair your idea of helping Niall set up?" I joke.

He shrugs. "I think I'm doing a great job."

A great job of being jealous whenever Niall breathes near me, but sure.

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