fifty eight: sex, drugs, &criminals

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Harry Styles

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Harry Styles

"You what!" Ricky shouts, slamming his hands on the counter.

We're back in L.A now, and I just told Ricky that I'm taking Charlotte back to South Carolina to see her parents.

He's not taking it well.

"Her mom thinks she ran away." I say, "I can't keep her from them anymore."

"Harry this is a fucking suicide mission—"

"She needs to see her family. I could hear her mom's voice through the phone, they're torn apart." I reply.

Ricky pinches the bridge of his nose. "I get it, but I need you to stop and seriously think about yourself for a minute."

"I already promised her."

"Fuck, Harry."

I stand across the counter from him with my hands behind my back casually. I knew he wasn't going to be overjoyed when I told him this, but I had to tell him.

I shrug. "Maybe it won't be so bad. I can drop her off and hide out in a hotel under a different name."

"If Malone finds out you're there then it's over. You realize that right?" he scolds.

I look at the floor as a sigh leaves my mouth. I was aware of the risks when I told Charlotte to call her mom back, but I'm doing this for her. I'll deal with Malone if I have to.

"That's it," Ricky mumbles, "I'm coming with you. We all will."

"What? Isn't that just more dangerous—"

"If something happens then you'll have us there to help. Besides, I need to get Zoe back home and deal with our own family." he explains.

Nothing I say will change his mind, so I just nod and let it go. 

"When do you leave?"


I have a place in Charleston, the same place I kept Charlotte in when I first took her. But I don't know how safe it would be to stay there. They broke in when we were staying there, tried to take her.

If they find out I'm in Charleston, they'll look for me there.

"I'm driving Charlotte and myself there." I tell him. "The rest of you will have to find rides."

He nods. "Settled then. See you tomorrow."

By the tone of his voice I could tell that he still wasn't very happy with me. I can see his reasoning but he's not Charlotte's protector anymore. She has me.

Not that she needs me, but I need her. And I need to know she's safe, so it makes me feel a bit more...relaxed, knowing that she's with me.

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