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Charlotte Thompson

Why am I trusting him all of a sudden?

Sure, he might have done all of this to keep me safe for Ricky...but what about the stuff he's done while I've been here?

He's held a knife to my stomach and to my throat. He's threatened to kill me.

He's still a bad person.

I had a bag packed. I filled it with as many clothes and necessities as possible.

"Ready?" he says as he walks into my room. I nod and pick up my bag, walking past him.

I was out of options. I cant go home. I cant go anywhere. Im gonna be in hiding with him for who knows how long.

"Just put your stuff in the back of the car." he says from behind me. I ignore him and just walk to the car without acknowledging him.

It was warm outside, the sun was blaring down from the sky and the grass was green. I was wearing jeans and a white t-shirt, and even with my arms exposed I was still quite warm.

I pop open the trunk and toss my bag in. I noticed tons of other black bags in there. There were four from what I counted, all seemingly full. They had to be Harry's.

I shut the trunk and open the passenger side door, sliding into the black leather interior.

Harry walks outside with a cigarette hanging from his mouth. He takes one final puff before throwing it onto the concrete of the driveway and stepping on it.

He opens the car door and gets in, running a ring covered hand through his curly brown hair and putting the car in drive.

"Do you have any idea where we're going?" I ask.

He shrugs. "Right now it's just a matter of not being murdered."

I roll my eyes. "I'm not in the mood for your smartass comments. This is serious."

"Why the fuck are you so uptight right now? Relax." he scoffs, giving me a glare and then looking back ahead at the road.

"Did you really just ask me that?" I stare at him in bewilderment. "Harry, five people just tried to take me to god knows where and do god knows what to me."

"I'm aware of what happened, but you're safe now." he shakes his head in annoyance.

I pessimistically laugh under my breath. "Well, I'm with you, so I don't know about the safety part."

He doesn't respond. Instead, he grabs the sunglasses that were hanging off his shirt and puts them on with one hand, shielding his eyes. I sigh and lean against the window, watching as we soared past the summer scenery. At first there were a lot of trees, and now we were in a town. It wasn't my town, meaning we had gone in the opposite direction.

I'm never gonna see my family again.

"We gotta stop and get gas." he mutters. It was the first time he's talked in 10 minutes. We've just been sitting in silence.

Inside, I lit up at the thought of us being at a gas station, a public place. This might be my golden opportunity to save myself.

Only five minutes later, Harry pulls in to the gas station and parks next to a gas pump, turning off the car.

I sit anxiously and eagerly in the passenger seat as Harry walks around the car to pay for the gas.

He taps on my window, making me whip my head towards him.

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