forty seven

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one of my favorite chapters :) i've been waiting to write this one for a while

Harry Styles

I couldn't stop kissing her.

I love the feeling of her mouth pushed up against mine, and it's becoming like a craving now.

I made us take the stairs down to the lobby instead of the elevator just so I could make out with her between floors.

We had sex for the first time early this morning, and it was so different than any other time I've had it. I'm so used to fucking and then leaving, and in all honesty, some small part of me was expecting her to leave too.

But she stayed.

She saw one of the songs I've been writing about her, the one named after her. I remember seeing her with my journal in her hands, and feeling instant panic but instead letting that feeling suppress. It shouldn't be a secret that she inspires me.

She giggles into my lips and reaches to grab my hands off her hips. "Okay, we actually have to go now." she laughs. 

I whine like a child and follow her out the doors to the lobby. The guys were all waiting and I could see Ricky and the crew outside loading up the buses. Our next stop is Los Angeles.

"The last thing I wanna do right now is get on a bus." I complain.

"Yeah, same." Niall agrees, scrolling on his phone and leaning against the wall.

I look at Charlotte, who was patiently waiting next to me for the bus to be ready with her arms crossed over her stomach.

I look back ahead at the buses, then my eyes move just to the right of them, seeing a line of parked vehicles.

And I got an idea.

I light up and stand in front of everyone, snapping their attention to me.

"Let's drive to L.A." I beam.

"Huh?" Louis shakes his head in confusion.

"I'll ask for a car and we'll all drive up ourselves. That way we can avoid that stupid bus." I clarify.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Charlotte asks with slight worry—rightfully so, though. I get that the bus would provide security, but if we stay in the car and just get ourselves to Los Angeles then we'll be fine.

"It's only about a 2 hour drive and the roads are quiet because it's nighttime. Nothing's gonna happen." I say.

"I'm down." Niall says, all of our heads turning to him and he shrugs. "Could be fun."

"See?" I gesture.

Louis rolls his eyes. "Fine whatever, as long as I can smoke out the window."

I look at Charlotte who still seemed a little unsure, but I knew we'd be okay and the only way to prove that to her was to bring her along.

I bring two fingers up to my mouth and blow against them to let out a loud whistle. "Rick!" I shout, catching Ricky's attention as he was just outside the hotel doors.

He snaps his head toward us, stepping up to our group. "What is it?"

"I need a car." I tell him, his brow arching immediately.

"Whatever for?" he looks between the four of us.

"I'm gonna drive us up to L.A." I state. I knew Ricky would be hesitant to let us go but I also knew I could convince him otherwise.

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