Chapter 19 (Bonus Chapter): The Trip

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Chapter 19: The Trip

"YOU NAMED OUR DINNER?" Hye Jin's jaw dropped wide open.

"Hush, he might hear you!" Yi Jung scolded. He looked back at Colonel Sanders and mouthed: She didn't mean it.

"But it's a chicken!" Hye Jin protested. She took a few steps closer to the chicken. "If you guys can't butcher it, let me do it."

The look of horror that appeared on the boys' faces said it all.

"We're not eating it, are we?" Hye Jin's shoulders dropped, her face etched with disappointment.

"We're not keeping it either," Ga Eul said, voice firm.

"But..." Yi Jung objected, but Ga Eul glared back at him.

Jan Di let out a heavy sigh. "I'll go boil some water for our ramyeon dinner."

"Maybe we can just stare at the chicken while we eat and imagine it on our soup." Hye Jin muttered under her breath.

"Colonel Sanders might feel uncomfortable..." Woo Bin started to say, but stopped when he saw the look on Hye Jin's face.

"I promise I'll treat you girls to all the chicken you can eat when we get back to Seoul." Yi Jung was still holding one end of the string. "Just leave Colonel Sanders alone."

The other end of the string was tied around the chicken's left leg. It paid no attention to their conversation and just pecked happily at the ground. It seemed used to having people around, and for a minute Jan Di wondered if maybe it was someone's pet.

"Just out of curiosity," Ga Eul began, as they ate their noodles. "Don't you guys get hungry, you know, every time you mention its name? Doesn't it make you guys think of...oh, I don't know...fried chicken?"

The boys looked at each other and shrugged. "Not really. Why?"

"Oh nothing. It's just a weird name for a chicken."

"I think it's a good name," Yi Jung said proudly. "It suits him." He scratched his head. "Although I can't quite remember where I heard the name from. It kind of just popped in my head."

Ga Eul snorted. "You're so lucky you're cute."

Yi Jung beamed at her, revealing the deep dimples that graced both cheeks. Ga Eul blushed slightly and turned away.

"And what exactly are you guys planning to do with it? Are you bringing it back to Seoul?" Jan Di looked questioningly at each of the guys.

"Well, we haven't exactly thought that far ahead yet..." Ji Hoo scratched his head.

"That far ahead? We're leaving tomorrow morning!" Jan Di raised an eyebrow at him. "Where are you putting it tonight? Is it sleeping with you guys in your tent?"

The boys looked uncertainly at each other.

"It's not sleeping with us, that's for sure." Ga Eul's mouth was set on a thin line.

"There were three others like it yesterday. Maybe we can reunite it with its family tomorrow before we leave?" Yi Jung's face was pleading.

"It's a chicken! That you found in the wild! If you guys weren't going to eat it, you should have left it where you found it!"

Yi Jung tried to muster the saddest face he could come up with. "But there are a lot of predators out there! Colonel Sanders won't be safe out there tonight!"

Ga Eul put both hands on her hips. "Well, considering you boys seem to be the only predators it had the pleasure of meeting recently, and you took it in as a pet, I'd say Colonel Sanders should be okay, don't you think?"

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