Chapter 16 (Bonus Chapter): The Trip

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Chapter 16: The Trip

The door was locked – and Yi Jung lamented that it was supposed to have a keypad to enter the code in. There was no such keypad on the metal rusted door. Woo Bin had to 'break into' the door using a hair pin that one of the girls supplied. The cabin was not what they expected at all. Yi Jung had said there would be a kitchen – but their definition of a kitchen was very different than what Yi Jung's idea of a kitchen was. It was just a small table with a few plates and cups stacked in one of the cupboards. There was no sink, no fridge, no cooktop. No running water or electricity either. A thick layer of dust covered everything.

Yi Jung looked as if he was about to cry. "There has to be a mistake. There's supposed to be granite countertops! And a stocked fridge, an oven, a wood burning fireplace! We're supposed to have electricity and running water! And a chef that comes to cook us one meal a day!" He looked at the pamphlet in his hands. "And they even said they just installed a hot tub!" He whirled around in horror. "And where in the world is the bathroom?"

"Outside." Woo Bin replied, an amused smile on his lips. "The whole outside is your bathroom for the weekend."

Yi Jung's mouth dropped open.

"I think you've been had." Ji Hoo walked closer to inspect the sparse 'furniture' - which consisted of two wooden chairs, a small rectangular wooden table, and a brown shag rug that was probably older than his grandfather. "I hope you didn't pay a lot of money for this place."

"It was quite expensive." Ga Eul stated, putting a comforting hand on Yi Jung's arm.

"Are you sure you didn't accidentally pay for the entire mountain instead? Maybe this cabin was just a bonus?" Woo Bin suggested. When Yi Jung didn't reply, he let out a low whistle. "Well, you wanted authentic, all right." He looked at Hye Jin, but she seemed to be busy checking out the contents of her backpack.

They all stepped outside the cabin – it was too small for all six of them to be inside at the same time anyway.

Jan Di walked over to Yi Jung. "Why don't you call them up to clear this...misunderstanding?"

Yi Jung lowered his head. "I chose this spot because we don't get cell signal here. You know, for an authentic experience. Cut off from the world?"

"Great." Jan Di forced a smile.

"What happens if we have an emergency?" Woo Bin sounded a little worried as he glanced at Hye Jin. Hye Jin stopped what she was doing long enough to frown at him.

"Umm...hello? We have two doctors with us!" Yi Jung argued.

"While I am flattered at your display of confidence in our abilities, I'm a little concerned as well." Ji Hoo scrunched his lips at the side. "We're limited at what we can do out here in the middle of nowhere."

Jan Di gently placed her palm on top of Ji Hoo's hand. "We'll just have to make the best of it." She turned to face everyone. "Just make sure you guys don't have any major accidents!"

"Darn. And here I was, planning on bungee jumping without a rope all the way to the bottom of this mountain," Woo Bin joked.

Ga Eul started unpacking her backpack. "Well, we might as well start unpacking then. It's going to get dark in a few hours." She passed around some granola bars to stave off their hunger for the moment.

"Right," Yi Jung's face lit up as he took out his note pad and scanned his list. "We need some firewood." He pointed at Hye Jin and Ji Hoo. "You two, go gather some firewood."

Woo Bin stood up quickly. "I can go with Ji Hoo. It's probably too much for her to carry."

Hye Jin glared at him. "No, I'll do it. I can do it." She huffed as she walked towards the trees. Ji Hoo looked at her questioningly, then followed suit.

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