Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Ji Hoo's smile disappeared from his face and he stood up, his face filled with worry.

"Jan Di?"

She cried softly, unable to contain her emotions any longer.

All this time, she thought...

"You know, this scene played out way differently than I imagined," she heard Woo Bin say, as he scratched his chin.

"I told you you needed more practice!" Yi Jung hissed.

"Hey, you're the one that was out of tune!" Woo Bin snapped.

Ji Hoo turned to glare at both of them, and they both fell silent.

"Jan Di, what's wrong?" Ji Hoo asked again, as he pulled her into his arms. He pulled out a handkerchief and carefully dabbed away the tears from her cheeks.

She swallowed hard.

"I thought you were going to leave me," she whispered, hoping only he could hear her. "I thought you found someone better."

Ji Hoo arched an eyebrow. He held her by the shoulders and peered closely to examine her eyes.

"Jan Di," he said, forehead creased. "Have you been drinking?"

She couldn't help but laugh. She looked around.

"So all this...was for us?"

"It took you longer than I thought to figure it out," Yi Jung observed. "I thought for sure the moment Ji Hoo started singing you'd clue in." He leaned over to whisper to Ga Eul. "I thought doctors were supposed to be smart."

Woo Bin took one of his crutches and smacked him on the shin.

She heard Yi Jung give a loud yelp as Woo Bin chuckled. "Hey, how about that? I do like crutches better!"


"So, what did you think? We make a pretty good boy band huh?" Yi Jung was all smiles, as the five of them sat around a table in the gazebo.

"I can't believe you guys did all this for us." Jan Di gave a thankful smile at each of them. "I never even thought..."

"We got you good, huh?" Yi Jung looked extremely pleased with himself. "After all, I am a pretty good actor." He seemed thoughtful for a minute. "Maybe I should be an actor. I'm handsome, smart, rich, talented..."

"Don't forget humble," Woo Bin interrupted.

"Ah yes, humble too," Yi Jung continued.

Woo Bin just gave an exasperated sigh. "You're hopeless." He turned to face Ga Eul. "Geez, what do you see in this guy?"

Ga Eul rolled her eyes. "He has his moments."

"I bet those are few and far between," Woo Bin murmured.

Jan Di narrowed her eyes at Yi Jung. "Did you really write that song?"

Yi Jung snorted. "What do you think?"

She looked at Ji Hoo, who was holding her hand. "You wrote it, didn't you?"

He dipped his head in answer. She was in awe. "When did you start planning this?"

"Around a month ago?"

She heaved the biggest sigh of relief she had ever released. All her worries and fears about their relationship dissipated in the air. I shouldn't have worried myself so much. She wanted to ask Ji Hoo what happened abroad, but she decided to hold it off until it was just the two of them.

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