Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Are you serious, bro?" Woo Bin asked, in disbelief.

Yi Jung clasped his hands together. "I think so."

Woo Bin clapped him on the back. "That's great news, man! I never thought I'd see this day."

Jan Di's mouth hung wide open. She was in shock. Then a slow smile spread on to her face.

Ga Eul! She thought. Oh my gosh! Ga Eul is going to be so happy! I can't believe she's going to get married soon!

"Jan Di, I need your help," Yi Jung interrupted her thoughts.

She nodded enthusiastically. "Anything."

"Well, you're Ga Eul's closest friend. I need your help planning the perfect proposal." Yi Jung scratched his chin. "I want to propose in style." He leaned in to whisper in her ear. "You can't tell her about this, okay?"

"Okay," she whispered back. "But why do you need my help? Aren't you the romantic one who knows all about these things?"

He bit his lower lip and sighed. "I haven't actually dated many girls like Ga Eul before." He tilted his head to the side. "You know...good girls. Believe it or not, I actually want to do this right."

"Hey, what about me? What's my role?" Woo Bin asked, feeling left out.

"You're here for emotional support, Woo Bin," Yi Jung answered.

"For who? Ga Eul or Jan Di?"

Yi Jung glared at him. "This is going to be the scariest thing I've ever done." He lowered his voice. "What if she says no? What if it doesn't work out?"

Woo Bin gave him a lopsided grin. "Ah, but what if it does?"

She gawked at him. Woo Bin raised both hands, palms up.

"Hey, just because I'm a player, doesn't mean I don't believe in love."

Their server arrived to clear out their table, just in time to hear Woo Bin's statement. She paused and almost knocked her tray over. Woo Bin caught a cup just in the nick of time and handed it back to her with a grin. She flushed, and rushed away from them so fast it was like someone had lit her shoes on fire.

"Believe it or not, it's us players who know more about love than anyone else." Woo Bin continued, as if nothing happened. "Right, Yi Jung?"

Yi Jung just gave him a smirk then turned to face her.

"Jan Di, you need to give me some tips and help me plan it."

He turned towards Woo Bin. "And you, you need to help with the song I wrote. We need to practice."

Woo Bin's brows shot up. "You wrote a song?" Then his face looked even more surprised. "Wait, we're singing?"

"Yup." He looked at Jan Di again. "I'll definitely need Ji Hoo for this. He's the musical genius of the group. I'll need him to play the piano and possibly sing most of it for us. I don't want Ga Eul to run when she hears Woo Bin and I sing."

Jan Di laughed. "She's heard you sing. You're pretty good."

"Yeah, that's because I was confident then! My nerves will be so shot this time I'd be lucky to utter a word."

She had never seen him in such a panic before. She smiled inwardly as she thought of how important this was for him.

"Wait, why would she run when she hears me sing? I'm a pretty good singer!" Woo Bin protested, but Yi Jung ignored him.

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