Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"So, what brings you to L.A.?" Jae Kyung asked him, as they sat at a café on Rodeo Drive. She had grown her hair long – and it fell in huge waves all over her back. He didn't recognize her at all. She looked very... feminine.

"I came to see Jun Pyo." He saw no reason to hide it from her.

"How's that going for you?"

He lowered his gaze and hunched his shoulders in response.

"Why do you want to see him?" She took a sip of her latte.

"I want to see how he's doing," he looked away, unable to meet her gaze. "We haven't spoken in months."

Since Jan Di had chosen him.

It wasn't for lack of trying, either. He had been calling and texting him for months with no response.

"So why now?" Jae Kyung's tone was curious, not accusatory.

He looked at Jae Kyung, who sat there listening attentively. "I want to try to make amends with him."

He thought of Jan Di then and couldn't help but smile. "I'm going to ask Jan Di to marry me."

Jae Kyung's eyes widened, then she let out a small sigh. "I see." Then she cocked her head to the side. "What's the hurry?"

Ji Hoo met, and held, her gaze. "I guess once you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."

He told her where he'd been and how he had been following Jun Pyo around, with no luck.

"Wow." She said, resting her fingertips on her cheek. "You're not the same timid Ji Hoo I remember... When did you get so brave?"

He gave a dry laugh. Jan Di's smiling face appeared in his mind again. "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone you courage."

If he had never met Jan Di, he would never have the courage nor the strength to do what he was doing now.

Jae Kyung sat back with her arms crossed, and eyed him thoughtfully. "I can see why she chose you."

She was silent for a few minutes and then she brushed her dress and stood up. "Well, I guess I'll have to take you then."

He looked at her quizzically. "Where?"

"We're going to see Jun Pyo."


"Really?" Ji Hoo couldn't believe his ears as he stood up. "Right now?"

Jae Kyung glanced at her watch and frowned. "Tomorrow. I have a meeting later tonight I have to attend." She saw the disappointment on Ji Hoo's face. "He'll be on the plane right now on his way back to New York anyway."

Ji Hoo just stood there, unmoving. Jae Kyung stepped in front of him.

"I promise, I'll take you to see Jun Pyo." She grinned. "I know his schedule, and I know where he lives. If we have to squat in his penthouse until he met with you, so be it."

Ji hoo couldn't help but smile. Relief washed all over his body. Finally! It felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulder. He felt so relieved that he gave her a huge hug, a smile still plastered on his face. Jae Kyung was taken aback by the unexpected hug, but she hugged him back just the same.

"We have some time to kill," she said, glancing around at the shops. "Did you want to get something for Jan Di?"

"Actually, I'd like to get some shoes for a friend." He hadn't thought about getting Jan Di something from there. Maybe he should. Jae Kyung would be able to give him advice on it.

After an hour and a half of shopping, Ji Hoo walked behind Jae Kyung holding a few designer gift bags. He had found some shoes for Yi Jung, and had also bought a pair for Woo Bin. Jae Kyung had also persuaded him to buy a designer purse with matching shoes for Jan Di. He knew Jan Di didn't care much for high-end items, but it gave him great joy to buy stuff for her anyway.

"If I were you, I would have just bought Yi Jung ONE shoe." Jae Kyung commented, as they walked towards her car. "I mean, he only lost ONE anyway. That should teach him to use common sense next time."

"Common sense is not very common nowadays," Ji Hoo remarked, and they both roared with laughter.

It was the first time since he arrived in North America that Ji Hoo had laughed like that. He felt extremely grateful at having found a friend thousands of miles away from home.


Ji Hoo walked to Jun Pyo's penthouse building full of hope and anticipation. Jae Kyung had urged him to go ahead – she had some appointments to attend to - but would be there shortly. He didn't mind sitting outside his building this time.

The old security guard walked over to him, his brow creased as he scratched his head.

"Hey, you're back!"

He responded with a grin.

"Mister Jun Pyo just left." Ji Hoo's face fell, but the guard quickly added, "But he'll be back soon. He just went to get something from his office."

"Okay." He gave a small bow. "Thank you, kind sir."

The old man stood up straighter. "I'm Mark Rogers." The man held up his hand.

"Yoon Ji Hoo." He shook the man's hand. Mr. Rogers looked delighted.

"You're quite the persistent young man, aren't you?" he observed.

"You might say, I don't give up that easily." Ji Hoo was in a good mood.

They talked about random things – Mr. Rogers told him all about his life in New York. He had been working as a security guard for almost 3 decades now.

Before Ji Hoo could tell him about himself though, a black car pulled up in front of them.

The door opened, and Jun Pyo stepped out.


Ji Hoo stood up so fast his head spun. He had to blink several times to make sure he wasn't seeing things.

"Mister Jun Pyo!" Mr. Rogers called out, as he went to open the building door for him.

Ji Hoo stood there, frozen in place. He shook his head and willed himself to speak. "Gu Jun Pyo!"

Jun Pyo looked at him, but didn't acknowledge his presence. Instead, he kept walking.

"Jun Pyo, I just want to talk!" Ji Hoo called out, but it landed on deaf ears.

Jun Pyo was almost inside the elevator. Ji Hoo ran, and thankfully, Mr. Rogers let him in this time.

Jun Pyo glared at Mr. Rogers, and the poor security guard ran after Ji Hoo.

"Young man, I'm sorry, but you'll have to stay here." There was a pleading look in his eyes.

Ji Hoo wanted to bang his head against the wall. He sighed, then relented. He would just have to wait for Jae Kyung to show up. He read through his messages and found out she was still held up in a meeting somewhere.

"I'll wait here."

His hope dipped low again. He thought for sure when he saw Jun Pyo in person his friend would at least talk to him. It had been several months, and they weren't just friends – they were more like brothers.

How could he not even acknowledge his presence?


Author's note:

"When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible." - Quote from Harry (When Harry Met Sally)

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