Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"What in the world is that?"

Woo Bin pointed to the scooter that Jan Di was wheeling into his room.

"It's called a knee scooter," Jan Di explained, while Woo Bin looked on in horror. "It's got a knee pad and wheels so you can place your knee on the pad and roll yourself forward." She demonstrated it for him. "You need to use the handle bars to balance and steer. There's also a brake so it doesn't roll away from you. You can even put a basket for your cell phone and a cup holder for your drinks."

Woo Bin shook his head adamantly. "Oh no, no no no. There is no way on earth I am using that!"

Jan Di placed her hands on her hips. "You can't put weight on your leg. Would you rather use crutches?"

Woo Bin nodded. "Yes. Yes, I would rather use crutches."

She frowned at him. "But this is more convenient."

He shook his head again. "Yi Jung would never let me live it down if he saw me on one of those."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "You guys are grown-ups now. I'm sure he won't make fun of you."

Woo Bin gave her an Are-You-Kidding-Me look. "Are you sure we're talking about the same guy?"

She had to admit, he was right.

"You'll be getting discharged here sometime today. We just have to finish up some paperwork."

Woo Bin nodded.

"So," Jan Di pretended to be busy adjusting the scooter height. "Did Hye Jin come see you today?"

He furrowed his brows. "Not that I know of." He eyed her questioningly. "Is she supposed to?"

"Does she look familiar to you?" She studied his face for any signs of recollection.

He tapped his chin for a minute, then his eyes widened.

"Wait..." he began, as Jan Di sat eagerly beside him. "She's not one of those girls that I dated once and then never called again, is she?" He scratched his head. "Even though I don't remember dating anyone that short before."

Jan Di sighed heavily. "Forget it." She pushed the scooter in front of him. "Try this anyway, you might like it."

Woo Bin crossed his arms and pouted. "Doubt it."

She had her hand on the doorknob and was about to step out of his room when she decided to turn around to look at him again. "I think Hye Jin's pretty cute, by the way."

Woo Bin grinned. "For the record, I never said she wasn't."


Jan Di was busy finishing up at the clinic when she felt her phone vibrate, indicating she had a text message. She glanced at it, hoping it was Ji Hoo, but she didn't recognize the number. It looked like an international number.

She opened the message.

"Hey Jan Di, it's Lee Min Young."

Lee Min Young was one of her classmates last year in University. She moved to California at the beginning of the year to continue her studies there.

"I didn't know you and Ji Hoo broke up. Sorry to hear!"

Jan Di's knees buckled and she had to sit down.


She texted the girl back. "What do you mean?"

She dreaded reading the reply.

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