Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


Jan Di and Ga Eul spent the better part of the day getting pampered again. They had at least 2 attendants each doing their hair and make-up.

A boutique delivered two exquisitely wrapped boxes containing their dresses that morning. Jan Di was quite astonished at the lengths Yi Jung had gone through.

Ga Eul stood there wearing a floor-length, flowing, strapless yellow dress, her hair partially pinned up. Wisps of her hair fell playfully to frame her face.

"I feel like Cinderella," Ga Eul proclaimed, as she twirled around to appraise herself in the mirror.

"You look beautiful," she complimented, and Ga Eul did indeed look beautiful. Her makeup was subtle but highlighted her soft and delicate beauty.

"Look who's talking." It was Ga Eul's turn to admire her.

Jan Di also wore a long dress – it was a floral chiffon halter dress with soft pleats and a beaded belt. Her hair had huge curls that cascaded down her back (she had grown out her bangs and pinned it to the side) and she wore the two-inch-long diamond earrings that Ji Hoo had given her a few months ago. She felt quite tall in her outfit.

The make-up artist had also done an impressive job on her. Jan Di barely recognized herself in the mirror. She didn't know she could look that good. Her make-up looked natural, yet it brought out her best features – her eyes and her cheekbones.

A limo pulled up in front of the salon to pick them up. Jan Di and Ga Eul got in excitedly.

It was dark by the time they got there. Jan Di kept glancing at her cell phone to confirm that everything was ready before she brought Ga Eul out. Yi Jung was relying on her to bring her friend out in time for the surprise.

She thought of Ji Hoo, and her heart gave an excited little thump. He had called her earlier to tell her he had arrived with the boys and they were busy setting up. She blushed as she thought of what he would think when he saw her again after 2 weeks apart. She was glad she was all dolled up for today. No matter what turmoil haunted her thoughts lately, she still wanted to impress him. She knew she looked stunning, and a part of her hoped that maybe, just maybe, she'd actually be good enough for Ji Hoo now.

"Why is it so dark here?" Ga Eul asked, looking around.

There was a narrow path made of wooden planks, with a pond on each side. A few tiki torches lined up the path, but the light it gave was just enough to light their way. The path led to the center of the garden, where a huge gazebo stood.

A grand piano stood to the left of the gazebo, and she saw Woo Bin standing beside the piano (his left leg was resting on the knee scooter) with Yi Jung right beside him, both with guitars slung on their shoulders and each had a microphone stand in front of them.

This is it, she thought, excitedly. She couldn't see Ji Hoo as the massive piano blocked him from view.
But she knew he was there because she caught a glimpse of his copper colored head.

She escorted Ga Eul to the center of the garden carefully, making sure they didn't fall into the pond. They both stood in silent anticipation in front of the gazebo. Ga Eul's eyes were wide with astonishment.

A dim spotlight turned on and focused on the boys. Jan Di could see Yi Jung's nervous face and she couldn't help but smile.

And then Ji Hoo started to play the piano.

Jan Di felt mesmerized by the song – the lyrics conveyed absolute love and devotion, and the melody was so hauntingly romantic she almost wished it was directed at her instead. As per Yi Jung's request, Ji Hoo sang most of it - with Yi Jung and Woo Bin mostly joining in the chorus. But all three sang it so passionately and so beautifully that Jan Di felt goose bumps appear all over her body.

She was thoroughly impressed at Yi Jung's writing skills.

This was how their song went:

"Do you know that from the moment I first saw you

I knew that it was you

Let's walk together on the road in front of us

A beautiful day is spread out in front of us


I promise you under the sky

I will protect you for eternity


Can you see my heart

Breathe by my side

I love you for eternity

I love you

Do you know that you are my happiness?

I will confess

You are my love forever

Stay by my side

Any challenge that comes our way

Let's overcome it with our love

Please look at me for eternity

Please hold me for eternity

Love me for eternity

So that we will be happy

As I look at only you for eternity

I pray that we will be happy

Let's create it ourselves

The beautiful days

I love you

For eternity"

She stood there, smiling like an idiot, until the song ended. She felt ashamed when she realized she became too focused on watching and listening to the song she had forgotten to check on Ga Eul.

She turned around to find Ga Eul standing a few feet away from her.

She was alone in the center.

Ji Hoo stood up and started walking towards her. The spotlight brightened, and all the lights around her turned on.

She looked around in wonder. For the first time, she noticed the ponds that surrounded them.

Hundreds of lotus flowers in full bloom floated across the ponds. There were pink, white, yellow and purple blossoms of varying sizes scattered all over the ponds around them. It was breathtaking to behold.

Jan Di clapped a hand on her mouth as she turned around, getting more and more confused by the minute.

It was then that she noticed that Woo Bin and Yi Jung were wearing matching grey suits with black ties, and Ji Hoo...

He was dressed all in white.

Her knees felt wobbly as he stood in front of her. He had a sheepish grin on his face.

He knelt down in front of her, put a hand in his coat pocket, and took out a small box. He opened it and presented her with the rings.

They were the exact same rings she had chosen.

And that's when it hit her.

All this, everything around her – was an elaborate set up for her.

It was for Ji Hoo's grand proposal, not Yi Jung's.

She saw Woo Bin, Yi Jung and Ga Eul standing side by side, huge grins on their faces, looking proud of themselves for having pulled this off.

And then she began to cry.


(*Author's Note: The name of the song above is "Until Forever" by SS501. English Lyric translation credit goes to KookieCane13. If you like this story at all, pause for 5 minutes and go to YouTube and listen to the song above. Search for "Until Forever" by SS501. Play the one by KookieCane13. It's a really sweet song, perfect for this story. You won't regret it!)

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