Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Jan Di!" Ga Eul cried out excitedly, as she got out of Yi Jung's car. She ran to give her a hug and then looked her up and down. "How is my friend, the future doctor?"

Jan Di rolled her eyes. "I'd probably be 60 by the time that happens, the way I'm going."

Yi Jung walked towards Ji Hoo and gave his hand a playful shake. "So, what's new and exciting in the world of doctors?"

Ji Hoo shrugged. "Oh, you know, nothing much. Babies, babies and more babies! Everyone seems to be having babies nowadays."

"Everyone?" Yi Jung raised an eyebrow at Jan Di, then glanced at her stomach, teasingly.

Jan Di turned a deep shade of red. Ji Hoo just shook his head and laughed.

"You know what I mean," Ji Hoo corrected, though Yi Jung still eyed Jan Di jokingly.

Ga Eul gave him a little smack on the back. "Stop it," she chided. "If you don't stop teasing them every time we see them, they won't come meet with us again."

"Yeah right, that's never gonna happen," Yi Jung answered. "Ji Hoo will miss me too much."

"How's the sculpting going?" Ji Hoo decided to change the subject.

"Amazing, as usual," Yi Jung stuffed his hands in his pockets. "I have a showing soon; you guys should come." He glanced at both of them. "That is, if you guys aren't too busy."

"Just let us know when," Ji Hoo patted his friend on the back. "Jan Di and I will make time."

Jan Di's eyes wandered around, taking in her surroundings. They were at the Rose Garden at Seoul Grand Park. There were thousands and thousands of different colored roses around them, and Jan Di was in awe of all the beauty that surrounded them. She walked arm in arm with Ga Eul, as they inspected and read the description cards on each species of roses – she never realized there were so many of them.

"It's so beautiful, isn't it?" Ga Eul commented, dreamily. She spread her arms wide and did a full 360 turn. "Imagine having this for a garden?"

Jan Di couldn't help but giggle at her friend's enthusiasm. It was a nice warm summer day, and both of them were wearing skirts and sleeveless shirts. She wore a wide brimmed hat that protected half her face from the sun. She turned around and saw the boys walking a few steps behind them.

Both of them wore their usual stylish clothes – a pair of dark colored slacks, a light collared shirt and a light coat on top. Both of them also wore dark sunglasses.

"Don't they ever feel hot wearing all that?" she pointed at the boys.

Ga Eul rolled her eyes. "I think they'd rather suffer dehydration than go out in public dressed less than perfect."

Since their disastrous double date almost 6 months ago, the girls decided not to plan any more dates. Instead, the four of them just called each other up whenever they were all free and one of them would suggest a random place to meet up at, and then they just went on from there. It was a lot less pressure for all of them, and they often found themselves going to places they'd never been to before.

"Didn't Woo Bin sunbae say he was coming?" Jan Di suddenly remembered the funny but fearsome protector of their group.

"He was, but he got sent to Busan last minute," Ga Eul replied, as she bent over to examine a multi-colored rose. "He said he'll catch up if he can." She turned to face Jan Di. "How are things with Ji Hoo sunbae?"

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