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Avalyn's Pov

My white dress flows with the breeze going through the halls of the Archangels castle, or whatever they call this place. My hair spirals down my back in waves with only two pins in keeping it out of my face. As if that could help me see things clearly as if that could open my eyes to the wicked things going on in this paradise. 

My eyes search for doors that look important as if it would be labeled with secrets. Something is not quite what it seems. 

I am not what I seem. The Archangels were hiding things from me. Raphael, though I could tell he had no choice, was hiding things from me. I know I am a Goddess, though I don't know what type, and I have not let the archangels or anyone realize I knew. Though they are very aware of what I am. I could tell by how they treated me or the looks they would give each other. I didn't know what would happen if they found out of my knowledge, even if it's a little. I only was sure of one thing. 

Michael is not on mine or my sister's side. 

I hadn't told Thana everything, of us being Goddesses and sister ones at that. I could tell she was hanging on by a thread.

I remember the dangers of when that thread breaks.

So I needed to find more answers before presenting her with everything. 

My head snaps to a door at the sound of muffled voices. The tone of voices piqued my interest, and I quickly but quietly made my way to the door and pressed my ear against it. 

"Michael, she hit me! You made her Queen has given her too much confidence!" I hear Don accuse, and Michael chuckles at his words. 

"Well, did you provoke her?" My heart flutters at Raphael's calm voice as he tries to get more of the story. 

"Of course not, I want her!" Don defends, but even I hear the lie. 

"You don't have to lie to us. I don't care about that bitch. This opened doors I was hoping for." Michael boasts proudly. I can imagine him beaming as his ego rises.

"Michael," Raphael drawls out in a warning tone. "Mind your tongue when talking of her," He adds, causing Michael to scoff.

"She is not sane enough to fulfill her duties. The Goddess herself made a mistake in having her."

"Michael, you are speaking in a tone of the Moon Goddess that God would not tolerate." Raphael scolds, causing Michael to retaliate quickly. 

"God is not here. I am in charge, little brother, so mind your tongue before I make plans for your Goddess as well." Michael taunts, and I hear his heavy feet move across the floor. 

"Michael, leave Thana alone, you and I both know what she is capable of. You will bring destruction to us all if you mess with her," Raphael warns though an egotistical scoff from Michael follows it. 

"I know what I am doing, So stay out of it like a good brother." My eyes widen at the threatening tone in Michael's voice as he teased the unknown plan. 

"I turned away at the game you played with sending Thana to Lucifer, but you can not threaten the lives of us," Raphael warns, and I can't hear if Michael responds. 

"Well, what are we going to do about the fact she attacked me!" Don yells abruptly, causing myself to roll my eyes. 

"I will take care of it," Micahel promises. I slowly start to back away, knowing I needed to find out more information, quickly.  Before Michael carries out whatever he just promised.

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