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Thana's POV

I land on the ground. Tears stream down my cheeks as I adjust Bora's body in my arms as I carry her limp, lifeless frame. I hear gasps and I see reapers gather. I walk down the path and see Morana. Not only that, but I hear her sob as she covers her mouth and drops to her knees. I see Zagan close his eyes and look away while putting both hands at the nape of his neck. Kasedeya glares at me as a single tear leaves her eye. Her arms are crossed tightly over her chest. My feet slide against the dirt path as I stare down, not able to look at the rest of the mourning reapers.

It is as if we have never experienced death. What an ironic picture.

I continue my walk until I find myself outside of Bora's cottage. I make my way onto the porch and through the door. The cottage is cleaned, apart from a few books and coffee mugs strewn throughout the living room and kitchen. I walk into her bedroom and lie her on the bed and step away. I glance at the bedside table and notice a book. Picking it up, I notice the bookmark is close to the end. My lip trembles as another wave of tears leaves my eyes. I bring the novel to my chest and hold it tight as I stare back at Bora's body. I glance back down at the book and open it to where the bookmark is. I lick my dry lips as something seems to overtake me.
The words from the last few pages leave my lips as I read to her the ending of the romance novel. I tell her how the woman finds herself and goes to her lover. I explain the loving look on the man's face as he sees her running to him. Furthermore, I tell her how they live happily ever after, and I close the novel. I then place the book in her arms over her chest. I look down at her face and tears fall from me, landing on her cheek.

"I didn't know you were a sucker for romance books with a happy ending," I bitterly chuckle as I shake my head at the audacity that of all the people, Bora does not get a happy ending.

I take a step back, looking her body over once more before turning around a leaving the room.

I race out of the cottage and see the reapers on their knees, head down. The cottage started to wilt, soon it will wither into the ground, becoming one with it.

I leave them and wander to my cottage. I step in and slam the door behind me, locking it. My breathing comes out heavy and quick as I run my hands through my hair as the surrounding air seems to grow tighter as I sink to the floor. My hands grab my hair, pulling it as the darkness inside me whispers.

Give in, and I will let you have it all.

I shake my head and close my eyes as I try to push it down. A war on the inside grows.

Something tells me if I give in, I could destroy Michael, but I also know I would end everything else as well. I will not lose control. I can't, not this time. I will not be evil or insane.

I sob as I rub my temples as images of Bora's body falling flash through my mind. I look up at the ceiling as if I could see my supposed mother there.

"I don't know you mother, but I could use your help right now," I whisper as tears slide into my hairline. I close my eyes as I pray to her as if she would show up. Though I know better, my mother was absent, hell I've never met her. Why would she come now.

Suddenly, I feel soft hands wrap around me and pull me to them, I jump as I look at the woman. She gives me a soft, loving smile. "Hello, my little goddess." In shock, I just stare at her. Without her saying anything, I realize this is my mother, the moon goddess. "Close your mouth darling, you'll get flies," she chuckles as she uses her hand to lift my chin. She then softly wipes the tears from my cheeks and places my head on her shoulder. "I know this is painful. I know I have made your life troublesome."

I scoff, "Hard is an understatement."

She hums "Yes I realize, but it's almost done my dear," I look up quickly and furrow my eyebrows.

"I'll die again soon?" I ask, and disappointment fills me. I should have known that death would greet me repeatedly, maybe it would at least be the last time.

She runs her fingers through my hair. "No my darling, and as a small gift from me to you, Bora is not gone forever." My eyes snap up to hers as I lean up and face her.

"What do you mean?" When a reaper dies, they cease to exist. There is no afterlife for them.

"Bora will be reborn, and she will get to live a peaceful life. She will have a happily ever after like that of her romance books." The goddess smiles at me and I bite my lip.

"But she won't be Bora." I whisper, and my mother gives me a sad smile as she reaches out and grabs my hand.

"No she won't be Bora, but she will be happy. I promise you Thana," She squeezes my hand.

"Why?" I question after a moment as I look at her.

"My child, you are very strong, You needed to experience hardship to understand the type of goddess you are." She smiles down at me as I seem to relax in her embrace as if I were a young child.

"What am I?"

"You will soon find out on your own, very soon," She smiles before she leans close to me and places a loving kiss on my forehead. I close my eyes. Her lips leave my skin and when I open my eyes, she is nowhere in sight.

I lean back into the door as the mourning of Bora's death consumes me again. I close my eyes as tears slowly fall. Another person I care about gone because they knew me. I think of Michael and clench my fist to the point my nails cut into my skin. Something needed to happen. I need to plan my next move.

"Thana!" I jump up quickly, hearing Morana yell my name. I rush out and see all the reapers in an opposed stance as the glare at a smirking Don.

His shoulders are rolled back, and his chin held high as he looks at me with a smirk. The wind ruffles his hair. My chest tightens and my stomach turns as my eyes narrow. The others are in defensive positions, as if ready to fight to the death.
I take a step, not breaking eye contact with Don. "Stand down," My words float into the now confused Reapers as they do as I say and take a step back, still looking on guard. Something comes over me as I take slow, calculated steps. I can't say I blame it on the darkness, but something is waking up inside me. Something is blossoming deep in my chest and pouring down throughout my body. I see something flash in Don's eyes, fear.


"My apologies about your friend. I hate you were unable to catch her. I guess you aren't as fast as you used to be." I hear a few gasps and growls from behind me at his words,, but my face remains void of any emotion. I stop in arm's reach in front of him, not once breaking eye contact. Finally, he looks away, as if needing to breathe before making eye contact with me again.

"I need you to send a message to Michael," I say directed towards one of the reapers, but Don scoffs, thinking I'm talking to him.

He crosses his arms over his chest. "I'm not a messenger boy."

I smirk as my palm shoots out, grabbing him by the throat. A strangled cry leaves his mouth as he scratches my hand. "No, you are the message." I state, and my palm glows back before Don's body shakes violently before his body slowly turns into ashe. I look down at the dark ashes on the floor. "Collect his ashes and let it rain over heaven." I grit out before turning and walking away from everyone. "Get ready for bloodshed."


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