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Avalyn looks at me with her jaw dropped. "Michael is such a pain in the ass.” Morana's eyes widen at Avalyn's langauge.

I smirk at her comments. At least we were not the only ones with a hatred for the archangel. “Ralph can't do much. He is still weak from the separation of his grace. It could take him another century to get back to normal.” Avalyn explains, which provides a touch of comfort.

“Well, I feel better knowing he isn't just letting his brother do all of this own purpose, at this point he literally is powerless against him.” I confess, I knew there was a reason I didn't hate Raphael as much as the others Avalyn pushes a strand of hair back as we walk the hospital halls. “Michael is secretive and wise, he is older than all of us.”

“So he has at least a century of planning against us.” I finish and she nods. I roll my lips as my mind races with the information.

“Talk about a head start.” Morana groans as we stop at a delivery room.

“Well, thanks to Thana I will have a lot of free time.” Avalyn gives me a pointed look. “This is the last of new souls since the fertility fairies mysteriously disappeared,” I grin at her words. I knew hiding them would give me an advantage, I just didn't realize it would be my sister.

“You are welcome. What are sisters for.” I say sarcastically.

"Har, har har.” Morana smiles at the sarcasm between the two of us. “I should be able to snoop. Maybe I can find where Michael has Bora, since she is being tortured that means more people know about it.” Avalyn schemes as she allows a soul to enter the delivery room to a crying newborn.

“Smart.” I state and she flashes a big smartalec smile. Of course, Michael wouldn't be the one to get his hands dirty.

“Now, why don't you be wise and not push Lucifer away.” She reasons and I glare.

“Says the one who doesn't have to kill their love,” I deadpan, causing Avalyn to grimace.

“Touché, but I think Lucifer could help.” I didn't want his help. I wanted to protect him. Was it selfish yes but this time I would succeed, this time I needed to succeed in protecting a loved one. I have failed too many times.

“We need to figure it out quickly though, Micheal most likely has a back-up plan,” I say, moving the discussion back on track and away from my love life.

“Well, I will do some snooping as I do so. See what his end goal is and what Plan B might be.” Morana furrows her eyebrows at our conversation.

“Well, what can I do? I want to be useful, too.” Avalyn and I look to Morana.

I smirk at her, “Maybe you could cozy up to Michael and seduce him into telling you his intention.” Avalyn snickers at my words as Morana glares at me.

“Ah yes, Michael will totally tell his enemy's best friend anything and everything.” Morana crosses her arms as Avalyn shrugs.

“I don't know. Michael's head is so far up his ass you could probably say anything to stroke his ego and he might start gloating about his plan,” Avalyn explains.

“Ah yes, his weakness his head is shoved up his ass like it's a crown," My eyes widen at Morana's language. The girl who I've never heard cuss. My sister and I must be a bad influence.

Avalyn nods in agreement as we continue down the hall, heading towards the exit. “Well I will see you gals soon, I hope.” She sighs as she looks up at the gates of heaven. Her white wings burst from her back, and she quickly leaps into the air as Morana waves bye.

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