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I open my eyes and look up towards a gate, pearly white, whispering peaceful, welcoming into my ear. I stand slowly and look around; white clouds tickle my feet. I walk graciously to the gates and push them open. Angels smile at me in excitement as I walk past them, I stop at a stage, angels more powerful than the ones surrounding me, look down on me. 

"Welcome, newcomer! Welcome to heaven." He was a handsome angel, though I could see a toxic arrogance surrounding him. He graces me with his presence as he comes to me, I could tell he felt he was doing me a favor by being around me, his chest puffed out, and his head held high. "I am Michael, the Archangel my dear and you are-"

"Navi, your Queen, now I suggest you bow before me." My words catch him off guard as he takes a step back. His eyes narrow at me as my words register to him.

"Now Navi, I understand you were a Queen on Earth, but here in heaven, you are just another angel." Michael clicks his tongue as he tries to be patient. I smirk at his words. 

"No, I am your God now, bow before me, or cease to exist," I command, and I see other angels look at me in fear. I smirk as I breathe in the smell of it, letting it ignite the darkness I carried here from earth.

"How dare you!" Michael's voice is sharp as he then snaps his fingers. "Guardians! Seize her for her disrespect." 

At his command, five large angels surround me with cuffs ready to chain me up. I look at Michael with a dark smirk. "I can snap my fingers too," With that, I raise my hand and snap my fingers, causing the guardians to combust into dark dust."

"Michael, we need to be careful." Another Archangel presses causing Michael to become even more enraged.  

"Shut up, Raphael. I am not scared of a child!"

Michael snapped his fingers again, and a dozen guardian angels marched forward before I could make a move they all showed me the palm of their hands as pearl white light burst from them, catching me off guard it hits me in the stomach pushing me out of heaven. A surprised yell escapes my mouth as I free-fall, I struggle around not sure what to do.

Suddenly a force grabs me; I look up and spot a man that completely takes my breath away. We land in front of a dark gate with dark smoke tickling my feet. 

I look up at the tall man, and he looks at me with a curious smirk. "Don't tell me they haven't taught you how to fly," The man teases, my eyebrows raise in amusement at how this man was clueless. Did he not just hear me get blown out of heaven?

"Fly?" I ask, hoping he would show me more. 

At my question, the man chuckles, "Yes, fly." 

Looking up through my eyelashes to make myself seem smaller, I shrug. "I guess not, can you show me?" I ask with an innocent small smile.

The man's eyes widen, "Don't you know who I am?" I shake my head no, though, by his appearance, I doubted he was an angel like the ones in heaven. His dark red eyes burned into mine; for some reason, I felt enchanted by him, almost peaceful.

"I'm Lucifer. I don't help angels, sweetheart; you'll have to get another angel to help you." Lucifer deadpans as he seems slightly offended I didn't know who he was.  

I sigh as I look up at the heavens and cringe, maybe I should have laid low for a moment, but I'm impatient. I look back at Lucifer, who looks at me like he is studying a new book. 

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