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We stop at the gates of heaven, Morana looks to Avalyn and smiles. "This is as far as we go, good luck," Morana waves to Avalyn with a smile. I don't say anything as Avalyn looks between the two of us in wonder.

"Will I see you two again?" She asks, causing the smile on Morana's face to dim. 

"You'll probably run into me sadly," Morana explains with a shrug. Avalyn's smile slips from her face understanding what Morana means the part of being a reaper.


The gates open, and I see Raphael step out. "Come, Avalyn," He calls, and I scrunch my eyebrows up, wondering why he took the time to come and get her. She gives us a final wave and walks to Raphael, the gates close, and Morana looks to me with a fire in her eyes. 

"Race you home!" Morana giggles as she jumps into the air letting her wings take over.  I roll my eyes but smile at the playful girl as I follow behind her. 


Morana lands on the island and looks back at me with narrowed eyes as I land after her. "You didn't even try," She whines, and I shrug with a small smile on my face. I didn't mean to be a party pooper, but that's just how I am now.

"Morana, how did it go with the angel?" I scrunch my nose up in disgust as Kasedeya struts to us. She cast me a look as she looks down at the both of us. I almost walk away, but Morana is to nice to call her on her bullshit, so I stay put in case Kasedeya tries to give her trouble.

"Oh, It went well, other than demons, but I got to meet Lucifer," Morana explains nicely, and Kasedey's smile grows at Lucifer's name. Internally groan at what could possibly leave her mouth next.

"Oh, I was wondering how that ordeal was going with you Thana, have you gotten Lucifer to trust you yet." Kasedeya looks my way with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. I resist the urge to glare at her, and before I can say anything, Morana tries to come to my rescue.

"Well, he seemed tak-"

"I didn't ask you Morana, I asked Thana," Kasedeya scolds before looking back at me. I clench my fist at her tone but swallow it down.

If I could, I would have already killed Kasedeya years ago; she was the definition of a mean girl. We didn't need those around her, witnessing death over and over again every day was torture enough.

"No," Is all I say, causing her to smirk more. I itch to slap the smirk off her face but resist the urge.

"Of course, I figured, I mean no offense but who would trust someone with a resting bitch face as strong as yours." Kasedeya giggles as she plays with a strand of hair. 

"Well, Lucifer had her in his arms, so I think he digs the resting bitch face," Morana states quickly, causing Kasedeya to glare at her. I resist smirking at my friend's words, ever the hype girl.

Before she can say anything, I interrupt her, "You know Kasedeya if you think you can do it better than do it, I didn't want the mission in the first place," I say though jealousy strikes me at even the idea of those two even knowing each other. 

"Hmmph, you know what I will, I'll show the Archangels who gets stuff done around here," With that, she quickly turns and struts off. Morana looks at me in shock. 

"Poor Lucifer, now he has to deal with her," I laugh at Morana's words laced with sympathy. We start walking towards my cottage. 

"Who knows, maybe they will be perfect for each other," I state with a laugh causing Morana to glare at me. 

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