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Sorry this took so long but this is for reevesbaby

janthony 😏
"song writer"

"and I'm well aware I write too many songs about you"-Harry Styles, Falling

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"and I'm well aware I write too many songs about you"
-Harry Styles, Falling

❖Jaden's POV❖

"And we're live!"

"So, who's the lucky girl who got the song written about her?" the interviewer asks as all heads turn towards me. Some belonging to the other sway guys and others to management. They all genuinely wanted to know because I wrote the song alone. I was lost in thought, so I didn't answer straight away. "Jaden?" Griffin asks, he was sitting next to me and shook my shoulder.

"Oh- uh, it's just some.....guy, heh." I say sheepishly, scratching the back of my neck. Everyone in the room goes wide eyed. Even Anthony, who has know me for five years. "Guy? Like as in you're gay?" the interviewer says, obviously now very intrigued.

"I would rather not talk about it right now? Uh... maybe another time?" I say with a forced laugh, when in reality I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown. "But-" she starts but I quickly rush out of the room, not trusting my emotions. I ran to the nearest bathroom and just started balling. I could hear the protests but I was to ashamed, of myself really.

Who was I to ever think that anyone would except me.

❖Anthony's POV❖

"This interview is over." Griffin says in a harsh voice, obviously upset at the interviewer for pushing Jaden out of his comfort zone. I quickly get up and go after Jaden.

I'm a little hurt he thought he couldn't trust to tell me he was gay or bi but nonetheless, he's my best friend, and I hate seeing him upset or sad. I push the bathroom door open to hear quiet sobs coming from the far stall. "Jay?" I say softly, not wanting to upset him.

I jiggled the cheap lock and the door opened, to reveal Jaden, laying, knees to his chest, rocking back and forth heaving for air. "Hey, hey bubba, calm down. It's ok! I'm right here!" I said, rushing to his side, trying to calm him down.

"I-I don't-don't know, wh-what ha-happened. I'm s-so-sorry" he sniffled out between quick breaths. "Hey buddy, just breathe." I say, pulling him into a hug.

"Why didn't you tell me? I would have been there for you." I say, trying to keep my tone soft. "I don-don't know, I was a-ashamed." he said, taking deep breaths, hanging his head low.

"There's no reason to be ashamed bud. Come on, lets go home." I say, pulling him up and to my chest, I'm just trying to get him to calm down really.

The boys are all waiting outside the bathroom and I say, "Take him home and get him to bed, I'll go talk with management."

"No! Please stay with me-me." Jaden says into my chest, taking and shaky, but deep breath. Griffin just nods and walks back towards the interview area, Kio waving him off.

"Lets go home." Kio says with a soft smile, leading us or as they say, their 'kids' out of the building.

- - -

We get home after waiting for Griffin and Jaden and I went upstairs. "I'm sorry for not telling you." Jaden said, much calmer. "Why are you sorry? You have nothing to be sorry about bubs." I say, grabbing Jadens hands, and moving them into my lap.

I would never say, but ever since I came out as bisexual, Jaden looked exceptionally hotter. He squeezed my hands. "Thank you for understanding." he said.

❖Jaden's POV❖

So badly I wanted to tell Anthony the song was actually about him, I loved him, but knew he would never love me back, and I messes with my head. "Snuggle?" he asked, quite quietly, for Anthony at least.

"Come'r" I said, hopping under the covers, Anthony following. After we got settled, all I could here was the soft snores of my secret love next to me.

-Time Skip brought to u by Ricky-
Say hi Ricky!
┗(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)┓

The next day I woke up, untangling myself from Anthony's grasp. Thankfully he stayed alseep, he seemed really tired.

I went downstairs to find all the boys awake surprisingly. I tried my best to avoid them, but I knew they would still ask questions.

I walked into the living room, toast in hand, sitting down next to Blake, who was in a very intense match of Super Smash with Josh. They were both practically thumb-fucking the controller.

Griffin and Kio both gave me weary and pity-filled looks. "I'm sorry for yesterday, I know that interview was important for you guys." I say, looking down, processing the previous events that happened.

"No need to be sorry, we just want you to know we all support you, and your music, were family Jay." Griffin said with a soft smile, by now all the other were looking at me, happy smiles.

-RiCky BaCk w1th aNotHeR tIme skip-
ᕙ(▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿) ᕗ

It was now lunch time and all the guys were gonna go swimming. Quinton pulled me aside before I went out. "Sooo spill! Who's the fella?" he said, bouncing up and down. "I can't tell y-" I started, "Pleeeeeeeeeeeease!" Quinton retorted with the biggest puppy eyes he could muster.

I couldn't say no. "It may or may not be...Anthony" I said quietly as a cherry blush rose to my cheeks. "Oh my gawd, no fucking way seriously?!" he said. My hand quickly covered his mouth. "Shhhhhh! You walnut!" I say as Quinton tries to contain his giggles.

After he had calmed down and we both walked out, we both simultaneously headed for the hot tub. Once we were in he spoke again. "You have to tell him." a sly smirk making its way onto his lips.

"What? Whyyyyy!" I whined. "Becaaaaause! He looooooves you."Quinton said back, mocking my whining. He did have a point, Anthony was getting more touchy recently, and he always wanted to snuggle or cuddle with me.

"Go then!" he said with a giggle, pointing to a confused Anthony. "No-" I started but he cut me off AGAIN.

"Oh Anthonyyyyyyy, come here! Jaden's got somethin to tell you!" I tried to cover his mouth but it was too late, Anthony was already making his way over. "Whats up?" Anthony said, still in the pool side but resting his head on the ledge of the hot-tub.

"I-I-I, Oh fuck it come here." I said as I moved in front of him and kissed him. He was surprised as were all the other guys. As we pulled away, cheers erupted from everyone.

"I-I love you too." he said, as our foreheads rested against eachother. I wasn't ashamed anymore, I had who I loved and I was happy, thats all I could ever ask for....

I hoped yall liked that one, Janthony has always been my favorite ship.

Word Count-1254

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