Chapter 11 A Strong Attachment

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Hey you guys sorry for my lateness again but I have been busy with school and whatnot .And felt like no one cared about this story so I put it on hold but because of requests I have received I decided to continue . So a special thanks to those people .Now let's get a move on .......



Sebastian slightly suprised quietly walked in gazing at the girl while thinking ( my I didn't expect her to be here of all places... Now how can I deal with her? well I shouldn't be thinking about that now there's work at hand I know there are three rooms here so that should be fine but there is one bath now that might have a cause for concern well I'm going to have to play it by ear ,but he's a demon now so he shouldn't be so sensitive but I can never know with this kid).

As that was thought Ciel saw the girl and thought she was rather familiar but couldn't put his finger on it as he examined her beautiful blue and black silk kimono, straight black hair then suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by Sebastian calling the girls name to wake her up" Celeste, miss Celeste what are you doing here ?"" Because" she mumbled half asleep " I felt your presence and I know this is your favorite room so I was waiting but you took so long so I got bored and thought I could try sleeping"" but you know we don't need sleep " he said amusingly

"I know she answered but that dosent mean it can't be fun , your such a boring stick in the mud but of course I still love you" she said while raising her pale hands to give Sebastian a clinging hug while Ciel continued observing ,finally able to figure out his confusion but accidentally said out loud with firm surprised confidence

" a cat! She's a cat demon! It all makes sense!"




How close is Celeste and Sebastian relationship really ?

What is he not telling Ciel?

A cat demon wow he knows how to pick them who else is going to show up in this new place ?

If you want to know come back next time and don't forget to comment , like and follow to know my next update .

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