Now It Gets Messy

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Rebecca POV

I walked into the house, the dog, Miranda, and Kimberly following me. Miranda was watching me closely like a sheepdog.

Kimberly seemed to be too tired, or I would have both of them breathing down my neck.

Kimberly set me down on the couch with Miranda's help. I was really lost and confused, my thoughts jumbled like a brand new puzzle.

"Quick, get me a flashlight." I heard someone say. I laid against the couch. I saw a light but was too confused to respond.

"Shoot. We need to get her to the hospital. I think she has a concussion." Miranda said. "Reid! Neil!" She yelled, making me jump.

I felt myself being lifted as I fell asleep, too tired to move.

"He turned and tried to attack me and then ran off. It's like he tried to look for her." I heard a deep, gravely voice say.

I opened my eyes. I realized right away that I was in a hospital room. I tried to sit up but felt someone helping me. "Thanks." I said with a smile.

I looked around and saw Jane. "Hey." I said weakly. She looked over and smiled at me. "Well, look who's finally awake." She teased.

"Wow. Gee thanks." I laughed. "So.. Tell us about your boyfriend." Miranda snarled, making me flinch.

"I..." I started, looking at Kimberly. She narrowed her eyes at me. I looked back at Miranda and her eyes softened. "Sorry. I'm just not in the best of moods." She gave me a half smile.

I saw some scrapes on her cheek and felt myself going pale. "I'm so sorry!" I wailed. "Shh. Shh. It's okay. I know you didn't mean to. It was in the heat of the moment, I know honey." Miranda said, quickly. She gave me a hug as I cried into her shirt.

I peeped over her shoulder and saw Kimberly's concerned face. She didn't say anything, as I was used to now. The door opened as a nurse brought me my food.

"He...his name is Matt. He was a really nice kid...until we had our fight. Why do all the nice guys turn into psychos?" I griped.

"Not all of them do. Can you tell us more about him?" Miranda asked. I was about to say something else when the door opened. I flinched back.

There were two police officers, one a man and one a woman, that walked into the room. "Hello, Miss Perry, is it?" The man asked. He looked really stern, it made me nervous.

"Yes." I answered nervously, My voice shaking. "I need to to tell me what happened." His stern voice continued. I shrunk back a bit. I froze and didn't say anything. The man was making me too afraid.

"I don't remember!" I wailed. "Jeff, why don't you wait outside. I'll see to it". The woman said. She was a tall, skinny, blonde officer with piercing blue eyes. She looked to be about 30.

"I'm Detective Leah Hawthorn. Could you please tell me what happened?" She asked, sitting on the bottom of my bed. She was wearing a blue shirt, jeans, and boots but had her badge on her belt.

Without warning, she gently grabbed my hand, making me jump. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Please. Tell me what happened. I can't help you unless you tell me."

I sighed. "Okay." I said. I could see Jane sizing Leah up while sitting in her chair. Leah squeezed my hand as I started to speak. "I had a fight with my ex boyfriend, Matt. I had broken up with him over a phone call. He came to my house." Everything was so fuzzy, I couldn't remember much.

"We had a fight, he punched me. I tried fighting back. Miranda came in the room." "Who is Miranda?" She asked, cutting me off. "Hi, Miranda Lambert." Miranda held out her hand.

Leah shook it and raised her eyebrows. "Anyway, I was still angry at her for before. She started yelling at me, I yelled back and slapped her." I said, beginning to cry.

"It's okay." I heard Miranda say. "Then what happened?" She asked. "Matt drug me down the stairs and into the garage. I fought him off and found my brother's keys. I drove away but he followed me.

He must've done something. All I remember is me waking up and seeing a dog. Then going home. And waking up here." I said. Everything else came in flashes.

Leah was scribbling notes on a notepad. "Okay. What is his first and last name?" She asked me. "Matthew, or I at least think his full first name is Matthew, Hartley." I said.

"Okay. I will get to the bottom of this. Feel free to call me if you remember anything else. Nice to meet you." She handed me a card. "Thank you." I said. She gave me a quick hug and walked out. "Any news on the driver for your case, Kimberly?" I asked, she shook her head.

We sat and talked for a while, our parents had taken a short road trip to see their parents. Miranda had called them and told them what had happened, they were on their way back.

I began to feel bored, so I checked my phone. Nothing was really going on. I got a Facetime call from Brittany. I hit accept and saw her pop up on the screen.

"Hey, Ace...what the hell happened to you? Are you okay!?" She asked, concerned. "Eh, I'm okay, Tigger, Matt got to me, that's all." I said quietly. We both had best friend nicknames for each other.

"What is this, secret agents!?" I heard Miranda laugh. "Who was that?" Brittany asked with a laugh, but she still looked concerned.

"Oh, that's just Miranda". I smiled. "Miranda who? Lambert? I doubt it." She started laughing. "Hey! I'm right here! Sheesh!" Miranda laughed.

Brittany's face turned pale. "No. Way!" I turned the camera around. Miranda smirked into the camera. "WHAT!? That's awesome! Oh.. well I guess it would make sense because you're related to The Band Perry." My smile fell a bit, but I smiled as I turned the camera back to me.

"Yep." I laughed. All of a sudden, the door flew open! I jumped and looked at the door, a distressed Carrie came running into the room. "And a wild Carrie Underwood just appeared. Sheesh! You could've knocked instead of Blowing Away the door!" I laughed. She blushed and looked at me. "No way!" Brittany said again.

Carrie walked over and looked into the camera. "Hey, Brittany! Ready to...Is that Carrie Underwood!?" I heard Jonathan ask. I smiled at him, willing him not to say anything about The Sound Of Music. He loved Carrie, just not in The Sound Of Music.

"Hey!" Carrie said with a smile. "Here, let me show y'all the whole room." I said with a smile. I flipped the camera around. "Guys, this is Brittany and Jonathan! Say hi!" I smiled. Everyone said hi and I flipped the camera back on me. "There you go!" I smiled.

"That's pretty cool!" Jonathan admitted. He usually had at least some snarky remark, but this time, he didn't! I began to feel tired. "I'm going to have to say bye, I'm really tired!" I admitted. "Bye! Hope you feel better!" Brittany and Jonathan said. I hung up and set my phone on the nightstand.

"I know you just got here, but I'm really tired." I said to Carrie. She smiled, "It's no problem." I laid against the bed and fell asleep.


"We don't know how much she'll remember, to be honest. What she remembers can change over night." I opened my eyes and looked around, sunlight was streaming into the windows. I was still at the hospital. I looked around and saw Neil and another man I didn't recognize. He had long, brown hair.

"Hey, Neil! Who's your friend?" I asked, confused. "What? That's Reid?" Neil asked, looking around him. "Oh! Hello, Reid! I'm Rebecca. Nice to meet you." I smiled. "Reid" looked very confused for a moment before smiling. "Hey, nice to meet you too!"

I saw Miranda come back in with Kimberly. Neil walked over to Miranda and whispered something frantically. I pretended not to notice.

"We need to get a doctor." Miranda said quickly.

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