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Rebecca POV

"Hey! Rebecca! Do you want to come over and hang out?" I smiled as I heard the voice of my friend Brittany come through the phone.

"Yeah! Let me ask my parents!" I said with a smile. I held my cellphone to my shoulder and walked all over the house, I finally found them in the study! I asked them and they said yes.

"Yeah!" "Okay! We can have like a slumber party!" She laughed. My parents nodded at me. "Okay!" I said with a smile. We hung up and I ran to get my clothes.

I grabbed my "I Am A Keeper" shirt my sister had designed for me and some jeans. No one really knew that my siblings were The Band Perry, but it wasn't hard to tell.

I had blue eyes like Kimberly and hair like hers, but it was a darker blonde, more toward my brother's colors mixed in with Kimberly's blonde.

I grabbed all my other things, including my copy of Frozen. I shoved them into my gym bag and walked downstairs. It was about 7, she was coming at 8.

I sighed as I sat down and decided to call Kimberly on Skype. No answer made my heart sink. I tried FaceTime, but there was no answer. I just gave up.

I double checked everything and absentmindedly fiddled with my necklace. It was a music note my sister had gotten me with her name on the back, hers had my name on the back.

I sat looking at my phone for a while. The doorbell finally rang and I went to get it. "Bye mom and dad!" I yelled. My mom walked over to me and gave me a hug. "Bye!" My dad called. I opened the door.

Brittany smiled at me, "All ready to go?" "Yeah! Let's go!" My parents laughed at me jumping up and down.

We hopped in her red pickup and drove away. She lived in Knoxville, but we went to the same school, Greenville High. We had a lot of interesting kids at our school, especially outside of Nashville!

I had never told her or anyone that I was related to The Band Perry, mostly because my parents asked me not to. They were afraid of me being teased and fake friends. Kimberly got a sad look in her eye when this was brought up, I didn't know why.

I decided maybe it was time to tell Brittany? I had talked to my parents a while back, and my dad thought it was a good idea!

We stopped at her huge farmhouse and got out. She had a lot of land and two horses that her and her sister rode. I hopped out, gym bag in tow. "I'm surprised you even own a gym bag! Have you ever stepped foot in one?" She laughed. We had a very sisterly humor between us.

"Set foot inside what? A gym bag? I bet I've gotten further than you!" I laughed. She smirked and playfully slapped my arm. We both laughed and she lead me inside her house.

It was a bright blue color, almost neon. There was white trim everywhere and the staircase was white, setting off a glow against the blue.

We ran upstairs and sat on her computer for a while. I decided to tell her. I typed in "The Band Perry" with a nervous smile and pull up a smiling pic of my siblings.

Brittany looks at me, completely confused. "I need to tell you something." I say. Before I can say anything else, the doorbell rings. "Oh! That's the pizza. Be right back." She says. I sigh as her brown hair disappears from view.

I was pretty afraid of what she'd say, honestly! She returned a bit later with a pizza box in hand, I smiled. "What were you gonna tell me?" She asked, tilting her head slightly.

"Well. You know my last name, right?" Brittany nodded, absentmindedly plucking a piece from the box. She had been new this year, and we had really gotten to know each other.

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