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Kimberly POV

I laid on the couch, feeling so bored and defeated. I just wish I could sing again! I didn't know how this works, but I don't even care if I can even talk again, I just want to sing! Rebecca tried to make conversation with me but just ended up giving up. I heard the door open and felt a tap on my shoulder. Looking up, I saw Miranda Lambert looking at me!

I gave her a half smile. Rebecca disappered and Miranda handed me the ice cream and markers before running into the kitchen. She reappeared, carrying two spoons. We popped the lids off and she smiled at me. "How's it going Kim?" She asked gently. I just shrugged, it's not like I could do anything else. She handed me a pink marker. I smiled, it was a neon highlighter one!

It's going okay. I just wish I could talk. Miranda looked at me sadly. "I know. It'll be okay soon, I'm sure it will be." She smiled at me, a sad gleam in her eye. She wrapped me in a hug, and to my surprise, I started to cry.

I cried for how is never be able to sing or talk again, or give playful remarks to my sister. It made me so sad. I broke free from the hug and sat on the couch. Miranda was about to say something when she put her finger to her lips.

She disappeared and I sighed. I was all alone, again. I silently drew flowers on my board. "NO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? GET OUT OF HERE!?" I jumped in surprise! The yelling was coming from below me. The basement!

"EVERYONE ALWAYS COMPARES ME TO THEM. I'M ALWAYS IN HER SHADOW! I HATE IT! HATE IT!" I jumped up and ran down to the basement, a place I had not gone in a while.

Miranda was standing, facing Rebecca with her hands on her hips. Rebecca was red, almost purple in the face. She was really angry and also crying. "Listen. I'm just trying to talk. It sounded great. All I said is you sound like your siblings." Miranda said innocently. I could tell she was trying to keep her cool.

This was completely opposite, usually Miranda was the one who got angry, not Rebecca! What has gotten into her!?

"I DON'T WANT TO. I WANT MY OWN PATH. I...I HATE YOU!" She stormed out and almost bowled me over. "S...Stop." I managed to say. I heard the footsteps on the stairs stop.

"MIRANDA! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I turned to Miranda, she was pale. "That..that wasn't me." She said, a smile breaking out on her face.

I froze. That had come out of my mouth!


Author Note:

Hey, guys! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a while! I've been so busy lately! I will start updating more often! Thanks for reading! :) Longer chapter up tomorrow! :)

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