chapter 10

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Austin pov:

I've been waiting in the waiting room for hours and I still didn't get an update for heaven. The doctors wouldn't even tell me if shes breathing. I honestly hope she makes it out of this alive cause I dont think I'll be able to handle loosing her. I dont I'd be able to handling anyone.

The guys came by a few times to make sure I was doing fine but they currently left to get food. They offered to get me something but I denied their offer.

I looked around and rubbed my face. nobody was in here besides me and I honestly felt like crying. I cant stand this quietness and the feeling of not knowing.

I looked up when I heard footsteps walking past " hey you " I pointed at the doctor I recognized to be heavens doctor. He stopped walking and looked towards me " yes, anything I can do for you? "

I nodded my head " how's Heaven? Is she alive? Why did you have to do surgery? " the questions kept pouring out and the doctor held his hand up and I immediately shut my mouth.

" now I cant awnser your last question but I can tell you that she is still alive for now but I cant tell you if she'll make it threw this ".

" and why cant you awnser my last question " I growled " I've been waiting here for hours and nobody even decided to stop by to keep me updated ".

the doctor looked at me sympathetically " thats because the truth hurts " he whispered and walked away.

Heavens pov:

I was in the dark And I was laying on something cold... The ground perhaps. I couldn't tell because my eyes wouldn't open. After a few tries I finally got my eyes to open and I saw blinding white all Around me and a white stair cause going up to something white and foggy. That foggy stuff being clouds. I scrunched my eyebrows together and got up from the ground. I wasn't sure if It was safe to walk towards the stairs or not. I looked behind me and saw pitch black.

I shivered and hesitantly took a step forward towards the light. No way am I going to the dark, it has been one of my fears since I was a child and anybody that would go to the dark is crazy. I mean light is supposed to be happy and nice and the dark is evil and depressing.

Once I made it to the staircase I started to slowly make my way up them until I got to a golden gate. There was a guy in a golden suite standing there. He was holding a clip board and he had these really pretty wings tucked behind his back. And His blond hair was sleeked up in the front.

He smiled at me " hello, you must be heaven. My names jack " he stuck his hand out. I nodded and shook his hand " nice to meet you, uhh how do you know my name? " I could tell he was trying to hold his laughter in " sweetie I'm your angel. I know everything about you. I've been with you since you we're born. Protecting you from danger.. Well besides that mosh pit you went into, I tried but I guess my message wasn't strong enough for you to feel".

I frowned " what do you mean you've been with me since I was born? Are you a stalker or something? Also what do you mean you protect me from danger.. And make me feel what? "

That's when he cracked up " no I'm not a stalker " he put his hands up " I'm your angel, I protect you from bad things that could happen to you. And the way I do that is by sending you little messages. Sometimes there different, I can send you a feeling, or sometimes you just do something and don't even know why.. You just do.. I also do other things like help guide you threw life ".

Wait so if he's my angel does that mean I'm dead? I honestly hope not I'm not ready to be dead. I also just meet Austin carlile. I looked up at Jack " so why am I here? "

" well honey your dying. I'm going to bringing you to talk to God, so how about you follow me ". I thought about then grabbed his arm. He opens the gate and we walked through and we popped up in this white room with golden chairs, desks, flooring, and chandler. There was a girl sitting in the desk writing on a piece of paper and she looked up when she heard jack clear his throat " may you tell boss we're coming " she nodded and pressed a button while jack dragged me down a hall.

We finally stopped at a huge golden door. " Okay, I'm going to leave you here for a while and I'll be back to get you once its time for you to leave "

I nodded my head and he pushed me through the doors. I looked behind myself to see jack wasn't there. why couldn't he just stay? Anyways I turned around and saw Jesus sitting in a chair with a very friendly smile on his face. His smile was so friendly that it made me like really happy " hello " I said in a very cheerily voice and a huge smile plastered on my face.

" Hello heaven, why don't you come take a seat " he pointed at a chair In front of his desk. I nodded and made my way over " why am I here? Am I dead? " I frowned

He shook his head " your here cause you got a very bad concussion and your on the process of dying. now I'm giving you an option you can either stay here or you can go back to earth until it's time for you to die again. It's you decision though and I want to you to choose wisely because once you make you choice you can't change it ".

I nodded " well what's Heaven like? " I want to know what it's like before I go. I mean what if I like I don't like there and I choose to stay there instead. then I'm stuck there.

"Well that's why I'll let you stay for 2 days then you can come back and tell me you're decision"

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