Chapter 5

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Heavens pov:

I swear my heart started to pound like crazy at the sound of his voice. a huge grin appeard on my face. "are you serious?" i asked austin

"Of course i am, why would i joke around with my fan about something like this?" i shrugged "okay, ahhh can i get a picture with you?" I asked shyly

he grinned "sure", he grabbed my phone from me and put his arm around my shoulder and knelt down to my height. I swear he was litterly on his knees that how short I am compared to him.

we took more then one photo together on both of our phones. some of them we had the gaurd take and some we did this cool mirror looking thing where we put our phone infront of the other and take a photo. after we finished taking pictures we handed our phones back to each other.

"sweet!! im gonna post all these to instagram. do you have one?" he asked. I nodded my head and told him what it was" a few minutes later my phone told me i had a notification. I opend my phone to instagram and saw that Austin Carlile started to follow me. he then tagged me in all the photos we took together.

when he asked me if I had a instagram I didnt think it was because he wanted to tag or add me in anything. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. " omg thank you, you do not know how much this means to me."

Austin wrapped me up in a hug. it felt Amazing!. " so Heaven, do you want to go meet the rest of the band?" I looked at him feeling shocked and confused at the same time. " I never told you my name?",

" I know, you had it posted on your instagram." he gave me a duhh look. I blushed feeling stupid. " ohhhh".


We were currently on the tour bus chatting with the rest of the band. I was sitting on a sofa with Austin to my right, and Alan on my left. Across from us was Aaron, Phile, and Valentino playing the board game life. " im gonna have about 50 kids by the time this game is done" Aaron said, while reaching for another child to put in his car. "All abord kids, our next stop is at warped tour Minnesota"

Everyone laughed. i've been sitting on the bus for a few hours now I havent really been paying attition.

I suddnly had to pee really bad. I tapped on Alans shoulder. "ahhh, may I use the bathroom?" I asked. " yeah. just walk down that hall past the bunkers and to your left will be the door to the bathroom". he smiled

I followed the directions he gave and finally made it to the bathroom. not like it was hard to find the bathrooms. I dont even know why he told me. I kinda figured there was only on way to the bathroom.

I quickly done my business and made my way back to them. Alan had his feet in Austins lap taking up the whole couch. I walked up to him and tried pushing his legs off. after a few attemps of trying I gave up. " move your legs if you dont want them to be broke. he didnt anwser me. he just closed his eyes and put his arms behind his head, using them as a pillow. I shrugged " I warned you" i then sat down on his legs.

I looked at him, he didnt even look botherd. I slapped his chest " COME ON YOUR SUPPOSED TO SAY OWW!!" I said frusterated. He just smirked.

ugh, maybe if I just chant "heavy as a rock" I will get heavier and start to actully hurt him. I mean its worth a shot, Horton hears a who chanted " im as light as a feather" when he was crossing that bridge and he made it across.

I crossed my legs, placed my hands in my lap and closed my eyes " Im as heavy as a rock!. Im as heavy as a rock!." I feel must be working. I gave my self a imaganery pat on the back.

"uhh.. Heaven? what are you doing?" asked Phile. I opened my eyes and saw everyone stairing at me. I ignored them and just gave him a duhh look. " What does it look like im doing? im making myself heavier".

"Sorry honey, but your not gonna get heiver by doing that" Alan replide. "well it was worth a shot. it worked for Horton Hears A Who" I pouted

"well sorry to break it to you. but Horton Hears A Who is just a movie" he replid. I didnt even get a chance to awnser him cause my phone started to play that part from Austin carlile interview with squidy. I blushed and quickly anwserd my phone.

"thank goodness your alright Heaven. we've been searching for you since forever. where are you? its closing time". Aiden said

I didnt even noticed I stayed at the bus that long. I was having so much fun. " ahhh.... im on Austin Carliles tour bus"

" no seriosly where are you?"

" I told you. if you dont belive me come meet me here". he didnt even anwser he just hanged up on me. "who was that?" Austin asked.

"My friend Aiden. its already 9:00 and hes coming to get me". I smiled sadly. Everyone frowned and started to get up to hug me goodbye. By the time we were finished there was a knock on the door. Valentino got to to anwser it. " yeah she's in here" I heard him say. I looked over to see Aiden standing in the door way. He looked like he was about to faint."HOLY FUG MUFFINS! IM ON THE OF MICE & MEN TOUR BUS!" he said exciditly

everyone just looked at him like he was a alien.... " well it was nice meeting you guys" I said. we said one last goodbye and then I finally stepped off the bus.

"WAIT!!" austin shouted running out with something gray in his hand. when he reached me he stuffed the black thing in my hands " I want you to have this, its my sweater I was wearing today". I looked up at him and smiled and started to hug "Omg thank you so much" he hugged back and headed back into the bus. I turned to Aiden "ready to go he asked?" I smiled sadly "yeah"

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