Chapter 12

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Today's the day. The day I'm going to tell the boss my final decision. The decision that can change my life forever. I walk down the hallway taking sharp turns and stop once I reach the large doors. The doors that the man I'm going to give my final answer too. I take a deep breath and slowly bring my hand up and tapped on the door.

" Come in " I heard him shout from the room. I slowly opened the door and stepped in. Letting my breath out. I quickly made my way to his desk and sat down in the chair.

" I've made my decision " I quickly blurted out before I changed my mind.

"And that is?" He leaned forward on his elbows.

I looked down. do I really want to do this? Before I left my house I wrote down a list of pros and cons. basically being

PROs of staying
- getting to be with old family and friends
- get to go back to earth, just can't be seen
- get free stuff
- can't get hurt physically
- free concerts

That's just some of them. now here's the cons

CONS- of staying
- not being able to talk to family on earth
- I'll make a lot of people sad
- I can't enjoy life and have children or get married and basically just grow up and live life to the fullest

But yeah after hours or debating what the right answer would be I gather up all the courage I could and came here

"Well" I paused. " I would like to go back home. On earth I mean. It's lovely here truly, it's just I'll be able to come back one day and honestly if your giving me this option to go back to earth then I'm going to take it cause I still haven't even started my life. And I want to experience what living feels like".

He smiled " that's what I thought the best answer was too honestly". he stood up from his chair " well when do you want to leave? The latest I can give you is until midnight".

I thought about it. "Can I tell you later sometime? I would like to say goodbye before I leave".

He nodded " just call jack and he will bring you back". I thanked Him and made my way to my grandmas house. we were sitting on the couch chatting when I decided I should tell her.

" I made my decision " I said quickly, looking up to see her expression. it made me feel slightly better when I saw her smile grow. " that's wonderful darling, what is it? "

I frowned and started to fiddle with my hands. what if I made the wrong choice? What if she gets angry about me leaving? I don't want that to happen. I took a deep breath realizing that I already made my choice and that I might as well spill the beans as quick as I can. " I'm leaving " I looked down. I felt warm arms embrace me " I knew you would make the right choice " she whispered.

"So your not angry?" we pulled away. She chuckled "of course not dear, I knew what the right choice would've been since you got here. of course I enjoy having you here to talk to and all but your truly supposed to be down there living your teenage life and having fun. Not up here with the dead. We're here cause we already experienced life. your just getting started". there was so much emotion in her voice and it brought tears to my eyes. Well her speech in general was what brought the tears to my eyes "I love you" I tackled her in a hug.
"I love you too" she gave me a squeeze.
"So guys I made my final decision" I spoke to my pets. " And I'm deciding to go back to earth" I told minx and bear.

They both had this happy look on their faces and they came up to me and started giving me kisses " that's amazing " they both said "what time are you leaving?"

I thought for a while "well I was thinking maybe around 11:00pm seeing as I only get until midnight and I don't want to end up being late". they both shook there heads " I'm glad your going back " bear replied " I mean you'll be back one day and I'm positive you'll be glade you decided to go back"

I nodded. after chatting for a while I decided I should chat with a few more people before leaving. I gave minx and bear a hug and kiss goodbye and made my way for the door.

I saw one of Heavens doctors walk into the waiting area. he was looking down at his clip boared writing something down before he looked up. " good evening Mr.Carlile " I frowned, is he being serious? Does it look like I'm having a good evening? I was going to say something but thought better of it and kept my mouth shut. " Heaven is still in a really deep coma and.." he frowned looking back down at his clipboard before looking back up " I'm sorry but if she doesn't wake up in a few hours we're going to have to unplug the cord".

This put me in shock and I didn't know what to say. they currently had Heaven hooked up to a life support machine keeping her alive but I still didn't understand why they wanted to unplug it so soon. " but she hasn't been hooked up for that long. what do you want to unplug it so soon?" My voice crooked.

The doctors expression sadden " I'm sorry but her injuries are really bad and the condition that she's in seems like she won't be getting better and we just want to do what's best for her".

I shook my head. that's just ridiculous. they didn't even give her a chance to heal yet. what do they think she is? A werewolf? She can't just automatically get better. I was going to say something to the doctor but when I looked at the door he was gone. I was left in this hospital room all alone.


"I think it's time" a doctor poked his head In the room. it was currently 10:30pm.

"I'm not going to do it" I shook my head. the doctor shook his head "I'm sorry but we have no choice. you can either stay and say goodbye while she goes or your going to have to leave the hospital. but either way we have to unplug the cord"

I shook my head. I stood up and punched him in the face. I was infuriated. who do they think they are telling me that I have no choice in if they unplug the cord or not? I kept punching the dude not caring about who saw. I heard footsteps come towards us and I felt my self being dragged.

" You can come back once you calmed down " the hospital's security told me. I glared at his retreating back. waiting for him to be out of sight before I snuck back in. I quietly snuck past the desk and up to Heaven's room when I made it to the bed I saw that the machine wasn't plugged in anymore.... they already unplugged the cord.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2016 ⏰

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