Chapter 16

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Harry's POV

I felt the bed shift where I laid my head on momentarily to rest seemingly drifting to a long slumber, a rustling noise was heard before I heard the shower turn. I kept my eyes closed cherishing the way her small hand felt in my larger one, enveloping hers completely. She was clenching on it as if it provided her life and safety and I'm glad she felt that way towards me.

I thought it was a one way around. I like her a lot and I feared she didn't feel the same about me. Zayn though gave me the talk, telling me I should 'grow some balls' and ask her out, that if she didn't feel the same she wouldn't have hung out with me. Yesterday was kind of it and turned extremely horrible I, I shouldn't have got her in a nightclub, I know how she is about a lot of people and crowded places.

She ever talked to me about anything personal but I can see it in her eyes, she thought she was hiding it pretty well but not on me. I feel like I know a lot about her though I know nothing and I'm dying to know more and more, I wish she could just let me in.

And that assh*le Jesse was hanging all over her, she is too kind for him and I know he doesn't mean well but she thinks he is her friend, I've known him for so long and I saw the way he treats girls. Yes he's my friend but I can't let him do anything to hurt her in any type of a way.

I was too consumed in my thoughts to realize that I was clenching tightly on the bed sheets, I let it go and tried to smooth it the best I can. I heard the shower turn off and then a low shit was muttered. The door creaked open slowly and I didn't know what do with myself, should I pretend I'm sleeping or stand up, and I stood up quickly as she left the bathroom. I ran my fringers in my unruly hair and wiped the drool from the corner of my mouth that seeped through my sleep, apparently.

She hasn't noticed me at first but oh I did and she was standing there only wrapped in a very short towel barely covering her up. I swallowed and tried to look away but I couldn't, it was like she was glowing like a diamond and I couldn't stop staring.

"oh" She screeched lowly as she noticed me. "I'm so sorry."She apologized, but for what. I was the intruder not her.

"Umm.. I.." I couldn't fucking speak.

"Could you um close your eyes or turn around," She looked at the ground, her cheeks were flushed and I'm not sure if it was from the shower or from embarrassment of me. If course she was embarrassed of me but shouldnt. Why the fuck she shouldn't.

"Ah.. sure.". Fuck fuck fuck.

"I, I'm sorry I just forgot to take clothes with me, I normally don't but I kind of forgot you're here." She said as I heard drawers open and close. "Not that I don't want you here or I'm annoyed you here, I-"

"It's okay Delilah." I cut her of before she makes a fool of herself, I can fucking hear her words trembling and adding to last night, it was so much for her.

"It's okay you can turn around now I'm done." She said from behind me and I could tell she was looking at me.

She was fully dressed now, she was wearing washed blue jeans and a black long sleeved tee. Her hair was still down and it was still wet.



We both said at the same time. We both smiled. "You go first" I said to her.

"I was wondering if you'd like a cup of coffee.. or tea?" She nervously said looking at her fidgeting fingers.

I approached her not too close and not too far but close enough to see the freckles on her nose.

"Why you're so nervous," I tilted her chin up to look at me. "It is just, me." I smiled down at her and she smiled back.

"It's just," She turned around and walked a few steps away from me. "Last night was..", "Was difficult." She said still her back to me.

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