Chapter 7

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"So, tell me again what happened yesterday when you and Delilah left?" Ed asked me from somewhere in the room. I was covering my face with my hands trying to block him and his continuous pestering out.

I had told him what happened yesterday, I mean that's why I called him to get his ass down here.

I groaned loudly before I lifted my hand from my face to look at him to see him smirking. Zayn was sitting in the opposite couch from me laughing with Ed at me. I took two pillows from beside me and threw one at Ed and the other one at Zayn. Zayn caught it swiftly but Ed got it right in the face. Great.

"C'mon man!" Ed grumbled making me chuckle.

"So you just walked her I mean, 'took the bus with her' and dropped her home then what?" Zayn asked knotting his thick brows in concentration.

"Then I left." I said leaving the part when I kissed her hand, why did I even do that?

They laughed again. Why did I even try to tell him again? They are no help. "Dickheads" I mumbled.

"Come on Styles, you know we are trying to help." Zayn laughed.

"Normal people, and of course you're not normal, kiss the girl especially if they like her." Ed said in a matter of fact tone.

"I don't like her." I said or Do I? They laughed again. I was going to beat the shit out of them both.

I couldn't kiss her though I wanted to do but she looked so fragile and I know how she doesn't like to be touched I could feel it the few times so I couldn't do it. I saw how she reacts when I touch her hands or when Ed hugged her, she obviously doesn't like to be touched so I couldn't kiss her, but she kept biting her lips and it drove me mad. I wanted her so much and it kind of scared me, I haven't know her for too long, I only know her last name, that's all.

Ed looked at me smirking and I had forgotten that he was saying anything; he had that smug look on his face taunting and mocking me. I threw another pillow at him but he dodged it easily.

"Okay Ed, leave him alone okay?" Zayn warned Ed and I was really thankful for him to finally shut him up. Why did I even call Ed again?

"So how's Perry?" I asked Zayn trying to change the subject. "She's good. She wanted me to tell you she says hi to you both." He spoke thoughtfully before he dove into how college has been going on for her so far, she was a freshman in Barnard Music College. All this talk made me want to cringe at how whipped he is, the way he talks about her, how he's eyes swim in passion for her when he mentions her name, I guess it's nice after all but cringy as hell he needs to man up but I'm in no way to be saying this to him when I'm already weeping.


The sunlight trickled through my window making it hard for me to open my eyes. But it was slightly warming me; the weather today was completely different from yesterday's. It was still cold but just slightly warmer and the sun was up. I opened my eyes one after the other, yawning loudly while stretching my limbs. I have slept well yesterday; I feel like haven't slept this nicely for a long time. All I could think about before falling asleep is Harry, I tried to get off my mind but I couldn't.

I threw the duvet away from my body before I climbed out of bed to make myself a cup of coffee. I decided to take a quick shower while the water was boiling. I put on the new vinyl copy I bought last week of Lana Del Rey's new album in my vinyl record player, loud enough to hear it from the shower. After I finished showering I put on a pair of jeans, a black long sleeved tee and red plaid shirt, and sat on the small couch beside the window sipping on my coffee listening to the smooth sound of Lana playing lowly in the background and humming to it.

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