Chapter 6

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         I found myself in front of the yet not so familiar bar that I will be part of in a week. The name of the bar was shining brightly written in blue neon lights to match the name of it. The Blues , it said.

Voices were coming from inside, a mellow sound of jazz music was topping all the other voices. I made a move to enter, a bald man in a tux nodded at me and I thought to return the gesture before I walked inside. The place looked completely different than it was when I first came here in the daylight; it had that Indie vibe look coming out if it with all the neon lights and the wooden decor. The smell of stall cigarettes and sweat has already gone through my nose making me cringe a bit.

High tables and chairs were lining the wide space that was there by morning. Every table has lighting in the middle of it illuminating the dark place a little giving the dark place a pretty illusion.

I took off my jacket and held it with my hand looking around trying to find a seat in the already crowded place. I didn't know so many people came here; this is actually my first time here, beside my audition day of course. I found a table in the very back corner of the room against the wall beside a pool table and quickly walked to it. A guy in washed up jeans, a black t-shirt and a black smudged a bit apron tied firmly around his waist approached me with a glass of pink juice on a small rounded tray in his hands, he placed the tall glass in front of me.

"I didn't order tha-" I started to explain to him confused.

"It's from Mr. Howard." He smiled pointing at a ravishing looking guy in a black suit sitting at the bar, he nodded at me. I turned around to the guy to tell him I don't even know who that Howard guy is, but he was already gone. I sure as hell not am going to drink that. I can already tell it has alcohol in it.

A man took up the stage after the mellow jazz music had died down and even the chattering voices. Everyone was paying attention to the man talking announcing the band that will be playing in a minute.

"EVERYONE WELCOME YOUR ALL TIME FAVORITE BAND. WELCOME 'THE WILD YOUTH'" His voice flew through the microphone echoing through the place followed by loud applause and the band said before, I guessed, emerged onto the stage from the backstage.

The cheering increased and everyone was on the edge to hear them play, including me. The ginger guy, who I recall his name was Ed, started talking through the microphone introducing themselves to the already familiar crowd.

"As most of you know, my name is Ed Sheeran." He paused as people cheered for him and he chuckled before continuing. "Here on the Guitar my best buddy Harry Styles," Harry took off his fedora and bowed down to them slightly making some of the audience laugh. I smiled a little. "On the Drums we have Zayn Malik," The Zayn guy raised two fingers in the sign of peace, nodding his head to the audience. He looked like the cool guy in the band, drummers always did.

"On the keyboard here we have Alex Robinson and on the Bass and Rhythm Guitar we have Jesse O'Neil and Caleb McAdams respectively." They both waved at the crowd making them cheer louder.

"The first song we are playing for you is written by me," he said in a show off manner pointing at himself proudly but you can easily tell that he's joking; the audience laughed. "It's called All Of The Stars, it's your typical sap song." He jokingly gagged at his song making people laugh again.

The mellow voice of the piano erupted slowly in the room as the chattering and laughter had died down as soon as Ed started singing. His voice was so beautiful it's the kind of voice that captures your attention and makes you want to listen to it forever. The lyrics as well were very beautiful every word of it.

The Guitarist [h.s] Major EditingWhere stories live. Discover now