Chapter 18

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Harry held my hand so tight all the way home and it brought me the same secure I felt every time he did, and I wished he'd never let go. Sometimes, all the time, I hate the way I act around people and I hate pushing them away but I've been doing that for so long that I forgot how to act otherwise.

When we arrived to my building, Harry spun around and looked down to me and I felt like I want him to come up with me and stay some more.

"Stay?" I bit on my lower lip afraid he'll say no but he smiled so wide the way he always does that makes you feel you forgot how to breath, like the way the water crashes at the rocks near the sea, so pretty and so breathtaking.

"I thought you wouldn't ask." He tugged my hair behind my ear and looked down at me still smiling. I breathed a laugh and spun around to get to my apartment pulling him behind me by his hand that was still in mine.

I got out my keys and opened my door and he closed it behind him.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked him once I took off my jacket and turned to look at him and he was taking off his jacket too to reveal the half sleeved white tee shirt he wore under and his tattooed arm.

"Anything really." I looked at his face and he was looking at me looking at him and i felt a soft blush creep to my cheeks and I don't really know why.

"You like pizza of course?" I asked and he nodded still smiling and staring at me making me feel self conscious. I picked my trashy phone feeling embarrassed and looked at Harry who was still looking at me inspecting and studying my every move. I dialed the pizza place that I always eat from and they picked on the first ring.

"Hello, yes thats me," I laughed. "Im fine. And you?" I asked back. "Oh thats great to hear." I smiled and looked at Harry and I flushed. He was laying down on my bed and his shirt rode up his stomach a little. "Yes the usual.. uh wait a second," I put my phone on my shoulder to speak to Harry.

"Um Harry?," He looked at me. "What kind of toppings you like?" I asked him. He looked like he was thinking for a little before he spoke. "Pepperoni and extra cheese." He said and smiled at me.

"Hello.. yes make that two." I said through the phone and smiled to myself. I seemed to be really juvenile of me to feel something about us eating the same toppings on a pizza but it fluttered my heart a little. "Yes and fries. Thank you Martinez. Love you too." I laughed.

I hang up the phone and put it on my bedside table.

"you don't have a TV?" Harry asks looking around him as if its hidden or something.

"No," I shake my head. "But I have my laptop though." I point at my bag that's lying on the couch near the bed.

"How can you not have a TV?" Harry asks again raising his eyebrows out of astonishment and disbelief. Heat creeps to my neck out of embarrassment.

"I don't watch TV." I shrug nonchalantly. As if.

He raises an eyebrow, "Then what do you do in your free time?". I shrug, "I don't have much of free time but if I do I read and listen to music." I move my head toward the big stack of books near my bed and the vinyl player.

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