Chapter 4

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"I don't think I have properly introduced myself." He said grinning at me.

He grinned a lot, it was kind of creepy and adorable knowing to the fact he didn't even know me. But something told me it wasn't just me, he seemed like a grinner.

"I'm Harry." He said extending his hand for a handshake. I looked at his hand for a second before I decided it was no harm to shake his hand. I took his hand and smiled a closed smile.

I let go of his hand immediately. He looked kind of hurt but it was just a flash behind his eyes. His eyes, I just noticed, was so green like fields and fields of green. The street lights were falling on them making them more shinny and glossy. I was mesmerized by it; I have never seen such green before. Not even on Lily, her eyes were green but they were pale green, like normal green. But those eyes were different.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I shook my head before I dug my hand in my pocket to retrieve my phone. Lily's name was flashing on the bright screen. I hit answer before I raised it to my ears and her voice immediately greeted me.

"Please tell me you're on your way back." She sounded exasperated. I took the phone off my ears to check the time; it read 6:44 pm.

"No." I answered shamefully.

"Oh my god Del, I already went to pick Mary!" I closed my eyes and breathed before I answered.

"Well sorry I'm getting it now. Delay her off a few minutes, can you do that?" I said sighing.

"I'll try but hurry the fuck up!"


"Stop cursing at me Lil, you know I don't like that." I said lowering me voice so I wouldn't sound stupid.

"I'm sorry baby but hurry up okay?" She said in much gentler voice.

"Okay." I breathed before I hung up.

I closed my eyes for a few seconds before I turned around to face Harry.

His eyebrows were furrowed and he looked deeply concerned. "Is everything okay?" He asked looking at me intently like he wanted to figure me out.

"Yeah." I said but he still looked at me like he inspected my lie and I felt angry like he don't even know me why he's looking at me like he does all of a sudden. I sighed again.

"I really have to go, I can't be late." I said and walked. I felt him hot on my tail, the sound of his boots hitting the curb.

I turned around abruptly and he stopped seconds before he crashed into me, again.

"Don't look at me like that." He warned throwing a finger at me face. I felt appalled by his move. I raised my eyebrows at him, my eyes wide.

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