Chapter 10

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The television was on some old reruns of Friends. I wasn't a huge fan to it but Harry was, he gave me this huge list of reasons why Friends is the most brilliant show ever and he made me promise him to watch it.

"Can I ask you something?" He said out of the blue.

"Sure." I nodded.

"Why did you drop out of college?" He asked.

The question wasn't that personal, I could easily just tell him I didn't like college, or I wasn't clever enough to get a scholarship and I couldn't afford college on my own or any other reason there were ever to exist. My reason, the real reason though is I didn't have it in me to pretend. To fit in there was to pretend and I had my share with phonies and those who pretend to like you but they don't. So I told him, I told him that. I don't know why but I didn't feel like lying, especially to him when he had this look in his eyes that he really wanted to know.

"That's deep." He hummed. He smiled a little, this little smile that wasn't filled with sympathy but with understands.

"What about you?" I asked back to redirect the question.

"You could say the same reason," He said looking at something behind me before he looked at me and smiled. "Also, I felt like college was restricting me from so many potentials and I wanted to experience life that is." He shrugged. I nodded.

We both stared at the TV for awhile, I was thinking about something to say so to not make this awkward but my mind was blank. That's the thing about me, I could never hold a conversation.

"Do you like Tom?" Harry spoke out of sudden, I looked at him and he looking straight at me. I looked at him confused before he opened his mouth to explain further. "From that bakery."

"Oh. Yeah, he's nice.", Harry snorted.

"He's got an eye for you, you know." I blushed slightly. "No, no he doesn't. He's my friend." I defended him.

"So? That doesn't stop him from wanting to be with you, romantically." Harry continued and I immediately shook my head.

"Then what about you and Fae?" I retorted.

"What about me and Fae?" He asked with an edge in his voice. I opened my mouth to apologize for bringing that up but he beat me to it. "We dated back then when I first started working at the bar. Nothing is going between me and her now." He defended.

I raised my eyebrows in defiance; I wasn't convinced with his answer.

"Sure." I mumbled quietly.

"I broke up with her cause she cheated on me, Okay?" "But she won't take no for an answer!" He was now on his feet; his face held a deep scowl and he was waving his arms around frantically. I rose to my feet as well to keep a distance between us. My heart was beating so fast and I felt like crying.

"I'm... I'm really sorry, I..." I tried to apologize but he wasn't looking at me so I don't know what the hell to do.

"Harry, I..." I shook my head and swallowed the big lump in my throat. "I think I better go."

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