Chapter 1

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"Sleep tight tonight honey, okay?" Mary said kissing my forehead like she always does. I gave a genuine smile and felt my heart warms up. Her motherly affection was what everyone loved about her.

She owned this bookstore I work in. I have been working here for only one year and we've already grown on each other. She hired me instantly and treated me like family, just like every other one works here. It's beautiful in here. It's always warm on wintery days and always welcoming in the hardest of days.

It sometimes felt like you wanted to live here forever. To confide in their knowledge and create a shelter by all those books. I haven't read them all of course but I was intending to, I just can't imagine myself not working here. Even when I'm old and gray, I'd still work here and complete her legacy.

Mary didn't have any kids, she never got married. She dedicate her life to this bookstore her father left her, she's almost every single book in here from kids books to hard literature. And as any lady her own age she's a big fan of Jane Austen, her obsession with those books sometimes get me irritated case we have those fan clubs thingy and discuss and criticize the books but she always gets Jane's side than mine. I'm a fan of Austen as well the way she takes those characters and write them with such complication and the details, it's amazing.

"You have a big day tomorrow." She cooed as she straightened the wrinkles on my shirt. I grinned at her, she was amazing.

Her forty-five's birthday was tomorrow and we -Me, Lily and Martinez- were going all the way to make her a nice little party here in the bookstore.

"Yeah, you too." I pointed at her teasingly. She chuckled and I grinned at her.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." She dismissed me and I chuckled. She walked toward her desk and started fiddling with some of the books.

"Just go home and get some rest. I want you to get through or whatever." She said.

"It's just auditions Mary." I laughed. "For a job."

"Well you're a great singer and everyone would love you."

I laughed, "Am not but," "I'm willing to accept that compliment" I said.

"Whatever, just go home and get some sleep. Go go!" I laughed again as I give her a quick kiss on the cheeks before getting my coat and exiting the shop.


The bus was almost empty except for the guys with the newspaper at the beginning of the bus and a guy with all black outfits with his headphones on, I could faintly hear some of his music. I was hard rock.

I took out my phone and rested my head on the seat back and checked the time. It was only 7:30, and I usually left work at 10 when Lily couldn't come in. Since today was Thursday, she left to o see her boyfriend she stays at his house all the weekend. Seriously I don't know how she tolerates him; he's a cheater manipulative and generally, an asshole. But she loves him to death so I respect her decision totally.

I flicker the light on once I enter my apartment, everything pretty much is the same. My clothes still lying on the floor and my bed is a complete mess. I walk in and take off my coat and my scarf and put them on the couch. I start collecting my clothes, and make a pile for all the clothes that needs to be washed and think of the burden of having to go the Laundromat and immediately feels exhausted by the thought. I put my clean clothes in the closet; I found my laptop under the duvet and put it on the bedside table that already has a stack of books and beside it on the floor multiple copies of CDs and vinyl. That's pretty much the only two things that are in order in the apartment. I make my bed though I'm just gonna collapse on it in few minutes.

I check the kitchen for any unwashed dishes but thankfully there is none. I change into my pajamas and get under the duvet, I could hear the wind outside it's been very cold lately and my shitty window is not doing any good preventing the air to slip through its cracks so I wrap myself tightly in the duvet and my eyes close slowly from tiredness though it's only eight. Big day tomorrow, I whisper to myself and smile.


-a/n- Hi this is the first chapter of 'The Guitarist' hope you like it and if you do, please vote and comment and share, thank you. x

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